Looking for advice on simple but good family Camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm looking for a simple but good digital camera top price around $300 The more I read the more confused I get. Just want something that the average family uses for the usual family,nothing professional type pictures. Can somone suggest a brand and model?

Thanks Lou Banks

-- Lou Banks (lvfreedi@mail.bit-net.com), November 11, 1999


I think everyone's most essential need is a set of good NiMH batteries and charger. I am very pleased with my Maha MH-C204F with 4 batteries and 12v adapter. I bought it as a kit from Thomas Distributing for about $40.75, including shipping.

For the purpose you describe I suggest the Olympus D-340R, which can find advertised on the web for slightly under $300. Its features are reviewed right here on Imaging Resource, including user comments. It has received a number of glowing magazine endorsements.

Allow for the possibility that you may wish to purchase extra memory and perhaps a camera case. The memory that comes with the D-340R will not hold all that many photos at once.

I bought my digicam from www.buydig.com, getting a good price and speedy delivery. The only thing I would caution about is, don't let them sell you extras that you have not researched in advance.

Good luck !

-- Jim Popenoe (popenoe@humboldt1.com), November 11, 1999.

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