Canning Items : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have lost my suplier for dry foods beans, flower, corn meal, sugar, pasta. I have not had to purchase these things in two years. I am use to having the food stores,and now my containers are running empty. My old suplier is no longer in business. I am also looking for a cheap source of canning jar lids and other canning suplies. I live in Georgia and do not want to pay to much for shipping so regional source is best.
-- Lawson Moore (, November 10, 1999
Ozark Co-op delivers through your area and into Florida once a month. They carry over 6,000 items of organic and bulk food. You can contact them and locate a co-op near you to arrange for delivery near your home in Georgia. If you hurry, you can receive one or two deliveries before y2k. ;) Kerry
-- Kerry Wooster (, November 10, 1999.
Cannot recommend storing grains, especially whole grains, longer than a year since the oils and germ will go rancid even if sealed tightly. Probably you can't achieve a vacuum seal unless you have a fancy bit of equipment. Of your list, sugar is the only thing that won't deteriorate in storage. The grains could even become indigestible/dangerous.
-- Sue (, November 27, 1999.
Sorry - not really - but I disagree! You can and many people do store whole grains very successfully for many years without being a hazard to themselves. You can get buckets of whole grains that have been sealed with oxygen absorbers and nitrogen that will remain and store safely for 7 to 10 years! I live in an area of the country that is very warm and it makes storage a bit of a problem but we do fine using DE and bay leaves. If I have the room I will put the grains in the freezer for a week or two but to be honest I seldom have the room.Many companies such as Arrowhead Mills have nitrogen packed grains and cereals in 1# bags that will keep fine the way they are and we often use those and store them in a 5 gallon bucket with bay leaves around them so we have a variety of items in one container.
-- Kerry Wooster (, November 28, 1999.