source of information on old sewing : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
i would like to humbly offer my services as a consultant/guide for anyone with questions on the care, repair and feeding of old sewing machines, be they treadle, electric or handcrank. i am an ex-Singer employee and currently an independent sewing machine repairer/ restorer by trade. and love to keep the old beauties up and working!
-- juno redleaf (, November 10, 1999
Were is the best place for parts and needles for a 211 Singer.Thanks Larry
-- Larry (, November 10, 1999.
Off the beat to......Larry. Hey Larry, I've had good luck on ebay. I prefer older "pins and needles" and such-heavier and better made. I just picked up an entire assortment of needles for $3.50 incl. ship! Far less than the new stuff, and better. Check out the vintage sewing catagory, you might get lucky!
-- kathy (, November 11, 1999.
Hi. I have been given an old honey mooners special. It has a foot treadle. It is supposed to work but the back is of the machine causing oil to get on the material if used. Where may I find the back and also needles? Thank you , thank you, in advanced.
-- Bonnie (, July 06, 2000.
Thank you Juno! I just picked up an old White and it needs work. First question - what's the best way to clean up the finish without removing the silver writing and design? It's just old dirt and old, turned a light golden brown - nothing too nasty. Also, where can I find a replacement treadle belt?
-- Deborah (, July 06, 2000.