Epsom PC 850Z Digital Camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Please has anyone tried the Epsom PC850Z I have used the Epsom PC 750Z but the 850Z sounds a lot better and I am very interested in buying one as Epsom seems to be such a good product.Thank you. Norman Howard

-- Norman John Howard (normanhoward@home.com), November 08, 1999


First of all let me be the first to point out that the m and n key on your keyboard must be switched... (its Epson:)

Steves digicam site has a nice 'first look' review posted, his final conclusion on the camera will be another few days. Check it out at, http://www.steves-digicams.com/

I to am very interested in the 850Z, but as a first time camera buyer Im really researching all the options, so far I like what the 850Z has to offer. I'd really love to see a review of it on this site though!

-- Scott (sstephens@rossroycanada.com), November 09, 1999.

Hi Scott I have had very good responces regarding the PC850Z Epson I have also used their 750Z which was VG but did not have USB! I am going to buy the 850Z, let me know if you come up with a good price! Thanks. Norman, normanhoward@home.com

-- Norman John Howard (normanhoward@home.com), November 11, 1999.

I have an 850z and like it a lot. I got mine through Onvia.com, total price was $622, but I think they may have raised their prices. You could also try onsale.com And I saw this posted: http://www.myshopnow.com/Redkev/product.asp?PID=497663 Good luck!

-- John Hoffman (johnhoff@incom.net), November 11, 1999.

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