How can I get better lighting for my Nikon coolpix 900? Standard flash seems indequate : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Most of my low light/night pictures come out very dim, if the subject is more than a few feet away. I am just starting out and was wondering what I can do to get better illumination. I was considering an external flash but the 900 has no port for an ext. flash. Any suggestions?

-- David Tam (, November 07, 1999

Answers has a slave flash for $15. The flash on you camera will fire the slave flash.

If this link is wrong check it on my web site:

-- dave clark (, November 08, 1999.

Is that the "Cobra" slave? I checked out that site and that's what I found. THANK YOU for that link! I myself have searched for almost a year for a remedy for this exact problem (with the exact camera).

-- Jody Kind (, November 11, 1999.

Yes. I was referring to the 'Cobra' slave light. You can also buy a just the electronic eye, but it cost more than the 'cobra'. However if you want more light than the cobra, then it might be a consideration. Porters has a wide selection of flash and sensors at Order their catalog. It is a 128 page newspaper and flash stuff is on page 57. Prices seem to be what I would expect of a camera store. So you have to do some shopping if you want a decent price! I have not bought from Porters, but others recommend them as a reputable source.

-- dave clark (, November 11, 1999.

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