You all must LOVE traffic congestion and elections!! : LUSENET : I-695 Thirty Dollar License Tab Initiative : One Thread

Yeeeehoooo!!! The slack-jawed yokels have spoken!! bang bang Yeeeehoooo!!! Weez only gotta pay $30 bucks now!!!

Where are we gonna get money for roads, highways and mass transit?

Er.... well... uhhhhh..... Well we just call one of dem special elections and raise taxes... er ... uh.... well I don't know.... The Bible will tell us what to do

-- bluffboy (, November 03, 1999


Response to Damn... You all must LOVE traffic congestion and elections!!


-- zowie (, November 03, 1999.

Response to Damn... You all must LOVE traffic congestion and elections!!

Like I heard on radio news program this morning; "Now that I-695 has passed, the weather has turned cloudy and rain is predicted later today.".

-- Albert Fosha (, November 03, 1999.

Response to Damn... You all must LOVE traffic congestion and elections!!


Do the people at the "home" know you've stopped taking your medication?


"A zebra does not change its spots." - Al Gore, attacking President George Bush in 1992.

-- Westin (, November 03, 1999.

Response to Damn... You all must LOVE traffic congestion and elections!!

Hopefully from your job,benefits and retirement.That way you don't even have to take the bus. Your are the prime example of why I voted YES YES!!!!

-- sam (, November 03, 1999.

Response to Damn... You all must LOVE traffic congestion and elections!!

As an older longtime resident of the Seattle area, I remember driving on I-5 the day it opened in and through Seattle. I am now retired and living on a fixed income and want to tell you that in all the years since the opening of the freeway (in late 1960's or early 1070's) there has been little maintenance or upgrading. Diamond lanes are part of the problem, not the solution. Also the cause of the problem, the unending construction of multi-family dwellings. This has been done without the augmenting of the surrounding infrastructure, such as roads, freeways, and all that goes with building like is going on, is the major cause of the congestion. We still have essencially the same freeway we had on opening day. You have to keep up with the growth or you will always have what we have, what a shame. Take the time to tell your legislature that we want their (our) priorities listened to and to stop the give away programs, cut the hiring of additional employees, get rid of the governmental employees that put in a 4 hour day, tighten the belts of legislators and the pay they get and do our bidding. And to all you that have lost, please continue to pay the full 2.2% so he "fantistic road building projects" can continue. ;>)

-- Jim labyak (, November 03, 1999.

Response to Damn... You all must LOVE traffic congestion and elections!!


I couldn't agree more. I lived in Federal Way when I got my driver's license and remember when they opened the 320th on ramp. You could drive as far as Tukwila without seeing two cars on the whole freeway. But the money has been going to park n rides and transit subsidies and stadiums and other politically correct stuff. "SmartGrowth" guarantees that we are going to have more congestion, not less. Do you remember the initial Kingdome votes, turned down because Seattle wanted to build it in an area with no parking and no freeway access? It was finally approved ONLY after the city fathers said they'd have a special committee of experts decide where the BEST place for it was, rather than put it in Pioneer square? Then they IGNORED the committee recommendations, and put it in Pioneer Square anyway! Now we are going to have TWO stadiums there. This area has been sub-optimizing transportation for years, to feed various political constituent groups. Granted, that has been aided by the federal government pushing rail transit and other non-solutions (that do, however, play well with the public employees unions and the building contractors). We need more civil engineers and far fewer social engineers.

-- Craig Carson (, November 03, 1999.

Response to Damn... You all must LOVE traffic congestion and elections!!

Hmm, according to what I just read, this does NOT affect the extra fee we agreed to pay for mass transit, a $10,000 car would actually cost about $75 a year (filing fees, transit tax...) And while I don't claim to know all the facts or have all the answers, I do now that our governemnt is pitifully wasteful, and its about time they were held accountable to the people since they can't seem to do it themselves. All the people who get free handouts with no personal responsibility must be trembling...

-- Steve N. Ospam (, November 03, 1999.

"There you go again." Can't you ignorant big-government-loving morons at least come up with something minimally creative?

-- Matt Napier (, November 03, 1999.

Well, actually, there IS an answer to the money problem. There are some 40% of the people, plus all the wealthy 'organizations' that endorsed a 'NO VOTE'. My new organization is here to help. The VTSW, or "Voluntary Taxation System of Washington" is here to take your donations. If the 40% of the poplace and the organizations which endorsed the 'no vote' continue to contribute the exact same amount in car tabs that they would have before 695, then the way I see it is, only about 1/2 the funding will be lost- possiblye even less. There is NOTHING stopping you, or anyone else who voted "no", from writing out a full check for your car tabs, and lending a helping hand to the state. So many of you seem very compassionate and big hearted about taxes, funding, government programs, transit, etc., that I feel that not letting you take advantage of that big hearted nature would be a tremendous waste. So, here's what you do: get the current formula for calculating the MVET on your vehicle. Then write out a check for that amount still allowing for the State calculated depreciation (we don't want you to be cheated, now) based upon the MSRP of the vehicle (that's "Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price", for those people who didn't realize what the formula was based on). And WHISK! that aching concience will be soothed, and you'll sleep better at night, knowing that YOU are part of the solution to the states funding problems, not part of the problem like the rest of those who voted "YES". It's a win-win situation. The state loses far less revenue than projected, and you have the added bonus of knowing that you're doing your part, to keep the buses runing, the cars moving, and the health, safety and economy of the state strong and vibrant.

...Or, is really less about your compassion, and more about what you think someone else SHOULD be paying??? Just thought I'd ask.

-- Paul Oss (, November 03, 1999.

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