Vote no and your giving up your right to vote? : LUSENET : I-695 Thirty Dollar License Tab Initiative : One Thread

Yes, that is right you give up your right to vote by voting NO on this issue and many others! Why would anyone in their right mind give up the right to vote? This means that the politions if it does not pass do whatever they please with your tax dollars and you would have a say in it because you voted no! So expect your tabs to be raised if this does not pass!

-- (, November 01, 1999


typo error correction: You would NOT have a say in how your tax dollars are spent if you vote no!

-- (, November 01, 1999.

So would that mean that we don't have the right to vote now? Will the politicians revoke that right if we vote this thing down?

"So expect your tabs to be raised if this does not pass!"

Talk about scare tactics.

-- Patrick (, November 01, 1999.

Patrick have you really read what the initiative says? Are you saying that you WOULD give up your right to vote? And let someone else decide what to do with your tasx dollars? No scare tactics here the facts remain that politians are more likely than not to raise our taxes and if you vote NO Nov 2 you wont have a choice any longer!

-- (, November 01, 1999.

I've read the initiative, apparently you haven't. To "give up" something means that you had it in the first place. If 695 fails, will we lose any rights that we currently have? Absolutely not. You're trying to make it sound as if we have the "right" to vote on every tax and fee increase already. We don't. If 695 passes, then the number of items that we will have to vote on will increase. If 695 fails, then the number of items that we have to vote on will remain the same. We will lose nothing.

As a little side note, we actually do have the right to vote on any proposed tax increase by the legislature. If it isn't covered by the requirements of 601, then citizens can collect enough signatures to overturn ANY piece of legislation including tax increases.

And again, the threat that politicians will raise taxes if 695 fails is a completely baseless scare tactic. There is NO evidence that they would raise ANY tax if 695 fails. In fact, before 695 even qualified for the ballot there was serious talk of significantly lowering property taxes next session.

What are you concerned that this thing has a chance at losing, and are trying to scare people into believing their rights will be stripped and their prop

-- Patrick (, November 02, 1999.

I have also heard that if this initiative does not pass the Washington State Legislature has several bills just waiting in the wings. A short list follows:

1. The state shall have the right to physically abuse any and all persons without cause or provocation.

2. A State Income Tax of 95% will be imposed within 3 hours of the confirmation of I-695 no passing.

3. All personal property rights will be forfeit. All personal possessions and property will be turned over to the State as of January 1, 2000.

4. Dogs and Cats will be allowed to live together and receive benefits as married couples.

5. The sun will no longer shine.

So get out there and vote!

-- Robert Farmer (, November 02, 1999.


Your list is almost as scary as the opposition's list of things that will happen if I-695 passes.

-- Art RAthjen (, November 02, 1999.

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