CIVIL WAR COMING SOON ? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Former Oregon Sheriff Warns Of Possible Civil War By Michael E. Cook Coos County (Oregon) Sheriff, Retired From Koos News 10-1-99 10-30-99

I have always said what I think and try not to offend too many people in the process. However, this week I am going to get right down to it. If you are easily offended, don't read on. This article will not please you at all. I am writing about what will happen in the future if the government tries to take away our rights and impose laws on "we the people" which are not constitutional. I know many out there fear this very thing as I do. Freedom is a constant battle in this old world of ours. I, like many of you, fought for freedom and our way of life and have many times put it all on the line for that freedom. I, like many of you, will be willing and able to do it again. Now we can get to the point I am trying to make. Those that would take away our rights are using the violence in our schools and other places as a vehicle to promote their agendas. We have already lost our property rights to the endangered species act and other federal laws. Many of you are out of work and Coos County is depressed because of this. Our way of life and the quality of that life has suffered in Coos County. The violence, they tell us, is beyond control as long as you and I have the right to own firearms. We must give up our most important right which, by the way, gives us the ability to protect our other rights and to stop crime and violence in our streets. This is what they try to push down our throats every day.

My questions to those who would take that right are: What is an acceptable body count for taking that right? How many Americans are you willing to have killed on both sides of the issue to take that right? What's the value of that right to you? I will tell you this right now; if they try to take firearms from most of the gun owners I know, including me, it will be another civil war here in America. The last one had a high body count and this one will be even higher. There will be law enforcement officers, military personnel and civilians lost in this war. This is one fight I am not looking forward to and I know it will destroy America.

The rules of engagement are lost on the civilians - we don't have jet aircraft and smart bombs so we'll have to fight with whatever we can until they kill us. We will fight and we will do the best we can. However, I know the outcome and I'm ready for that also. I'm at peace with my God. The bottom line is we don't need to even have this fight. If the traitors in government and others would stop their treason, or get arrested and punished for it, this would not happen. You and I have let this happen by allowing our media and our government to push this on Americans. We can no longer allow that to happen if we want to avoid a war. That is the bottom line.

When Sarah Brady at Handgun Control Inc., can draw down a salary of $277,891.00 a year for her treasonous acts against the second amendment, without standing trial and getting that kind of wage, we will continue to be run over. HCI has an annual budget of $7,624,306. They spend this and more each year to take you rights. The president of the NRA doesn't get a salary. Does this tell you anything?

You can make life tough for HCI. Write and ask for a copy of form 990, which they are required by law to provide. The address is: Handgun Control Inc. 1223 Eye Street, N.W., Room 1100 Washington, D.C. 20005 They have to pay staff to copy and send you all 13 pages of that report. You need to include an addressed, stamped envelope. We could make them so busy they won't have time to fight. Keep you ear to the ground, your eyes open, and your powder dry. It is coming and it won't be fun.

-- Not I (not@T.said), October 31, 1999


Ooh boy, another gun-goof Tinfoil salivating at the thought of killing another human being. Typical...

-- Y2K Pro (, October 31, 1999.

Just a bit radical to be sure... Years ago I decided that there were weapons available to me with which I could feed myself and protect my family. These are weapons the Fed has little or no interest in taking because they have very little military value (anymore). They are the long bow and black powder weapons. They have the added advantage of being primative designs which are highly surviable in primative environments... so... I have a couple of smokeless weapons, small bore and shotguns. The other stuff is all black powder or muscle operated. It ain't an Uzi but the Fed has shown no interest in these weapons thus far... Think on it.

-- (...@.......), October 31, 1999.

Is it just me, or does anyone else get the idea that at least two of the above posts were written by the same person.

-- None (of@the.above), October 31, 1999.

You think you can defend yourself with blackpowder guns? Good Luck, my friend.

-- Don Wegner (, October 31, 1999.

Yes civil war is coming, or civil disobedience. You must move or plan to relocate to an rural area. Major cities will be war zones, with liberal citizens without weapons being raped and gunned down by inner city gangs. If you dont believe it, try walking down a inner city hood at night fall, and tell me if you dont run for your life. I have always stated when the economy snaps, ITS ALL OVER.

-- fred (, October 31, 1999.

Best of luck with your flintlock there pal. It may have worked for Davy Crockett, but he wasn't up against gang bangers. I go to the range regularly to fire my steel-core rounds of 7.62 Nato which will punch through a getto war mobile door with ease. At the range, I see all the boys from the hood practicing diligently with thier AK47's and AR-15's. They always have a ton of ammo and a bunch of hi-cap nines with them.

If I was you, I'd get a real gun/s.

-- Gordon (, October 31, 1999.

I have corn meal in my dung hole, and I like it!!!

-- Y2K Pro (, October 31, 1999.

Being a Vietnam Veteran and seeing the video "Waco-rules of engagement" I would urge anyone who values their life and their loved one to take a class on firearms safety and then by a gun.

I've personally heard from "three" law enforcement officers throughout this country say "WE'RE FAT DUMB AND HAPPY"

I have "sensed" for over a year that we will have "control" as a result of the Y2K. It's BACK TO THE FUTURE as in the 30's.

-- eyes wide open (, October 31, 1999.

>> ...Sarah Brady at Handgun Control Inc., can draw down a salary of $277,891.00 a year for her treasonous acts against the second amendment, without standing trial ... <<

Boy howdy! A sheriff who doesn't understand Constitutional law! Whoda thunk it?

There is no such thing as a "treasonous act against the second amendment". Sarah Brady is simply exercising her First amendment rights to free speech.

Treason is not directed against the Constitution. It is an overt act to overthrow the government of the USA or to give aid and comfort to its enemies. This, too, is defined in the same Constitution. Speech is definitely excluded from "giving aid or comfort". And people who might want to amend the Constition or to repeal an existing amendment are not "enemies of the USA government".

What a bunch of ill-informed hooey!

-- Brian McLaughlin (, November 01, 1999.

Correct on one point. The constitution IS to be ammended by a vote from the states. It is NOT to be usurped by the .gov!

-- FLAME AWAY (, November 01, 1999.

i this sunday's local paper, an article appeared about how the FBI is 'warning' all law enforcement agencies to be aware of 'radical groups' that may be storing food and firearms in anticipation of creating violence at the millenium. what a bunch of bullshit.

how many of you have heard of 'food-hoarding' 'firearm-storing' radical groups attacking anyone??? this was - i believe - an Associated Press article, so it should have been available nationally.

i dont know about anyone else on this forum, but it certainly seems to me like people who are preparing are being set up for something. the public is so gullible they'll believe anything the government says.

with y2k, pr spin has created a bunch of idiots who dont know which way is up.

scarrrrryyyy .......

-- lou (, November 01, 1999.

Both the cops and troops know that door to door gun confiscation would mean very high casulty rates.Many police respect our rights as well and refuse.

-- zoobie (, November 01, 1999.

"it certainly appears to me that people who are prepairing are being set up for something." You're correct lou:

"cowering in churches waiting for the world to end....determined to buy desert land and hoard gold, bullets and Skoal in their pickup trucks."

A quote by William Jefferson Clinton during the Fifth Millennium Evening at the Whitehouse.

You know........President Worm.

-- Will continue (, November 01, 1999.

"eyes wide open" writes
Being a Vietnam Veteran and seeing the video "Waco-rules of engagement" I would urge anyone who values their life and their loved one to take a class on firearms safety and then b[u]y a gun.

The logic here escapes me. The folks in the Koresh compound had plenty of guns. Much good it did them.

-- Tom Carey (, November 01, 1999.

the logic being that the government is becoming an enemy of the people.

"As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms." --Tench Coxe in `Remarks on the First Part of the Amendments to the Federal Constitution' under the Pseudonym "A Pennsylvanian" in the Philadelphia Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789 at 2 col. 1. "And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms....The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants" --Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William S. Smith in 1787. Taken from Jefferson, On Democracy p. 20, S. Padover ed., 1939

"A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks. --Thomas Jefferson, Encyclopedia of T. Jefferson, 318, Foley, Ed., reissued 1967.

"The supposed quietude of a good mans allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside...Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them..." --Thomas Paine, I Writings of Thomas Paine at 56 (1894).

-- apokoliptik (, November 01, 1999.

Don Wegner wrote:

"You think you can defend yourself with blackpowder guns? Good Luck, my friend. "

The Civil War killed half a million Americans, all with black powder. When the Russians invaded Afghanistan, the Afghans had a lot of old Enfields left over from the Crimean War in 1856.... and they killed plenty of Russians with them before they got a supply of AK's.

Modern in-line black powder rifles are very accurate up to 300 yards or so, and if you get the modern powder pellets, can be reloaded in ten seconds or less.

I have black powder not for fighting, but because they are a lot of fun, ramming the ball and patch down like Davy Crockett. I have a .36 caliber Seneca rifle that is one of the most accurate weapons I have ever owned.

A little stealth and one shot, and you can get your enemy's automatic.

-- Forrest Covington (, November 02, 1999.

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