Need source for O.P. dent corn - for colder climates : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am looking for an open pollenated dent corn to use for corn meal and corn for my chickens. I live in North Idaho above 3000 feet level. Our nights are cold. It is not uncommon to experience a light frost during the summer months. I have tried Northstine Dent from Johnny's Seeds (95 day), but with the cool nights it does not mature. I am hoping to find a dent corn with 75 - 80 days maturity.

I have sweetcorn and Native American (Painted Mountain) corn that matures. Does anyone know if the feed value of Native American corn is equal to dent corn as a chicken feed?

I currently supplement the store bought chicken feed with pumpkins, squash, and mangel beets for the winter months.

I look forward to responses. Thanks! Bob

-- Bob Cornell (, October 30, 1999


Looking in Feeds and Feeding by Morrison, #2 dent corn has 85% dry matter, 6.7% protein, 80.1% total digestible nutrients. Flint corn has 88.5% dry matter, 7.5% protein, 83.4% total digestible nutrients. Mature sweet corn has 90.7% dry matter, 8.9% protein, 88.6% total digestible nutrients. Can't find anything for native American corn. Sweet corn appears to lack posphorus and potassium. Steamed bonemeal and limestone and alfalfa meal could make up the deficiency.

-- Larry Eggman (, October 30, 1999.

More research shows Painted Mountain is a flour corn. Developed from over a 1000 native and commercial strains from around the world. Adams Early Improved 75 day dent corn. D Landreth Seed Co. 410-727- 3922. Saskatoon White(flint corn) 75-80 day Peters Seed & Research 503-863-3693. Jicarilla Apache Concho (white corn) tolerrant of cool high elevation Native Seeds 520-327-9123 It's a 75-80 day corn. Hope this all helps. Larry

-- Larry Eggman (, October 30, 1999.

Thanks Larry, for the valuable information on the different types of corn and their feed valuae. I knew Painted Mountain was bred via many varieties. I will check into some of the varieties you mentioned, and try them next season.

It is an adventure gardenning in this climate. Thanks again

-- Bob Cornell (, October 30, 1999.

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