Trick poll : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Our little friends at ZDNet have a cute little poll.

Before you *take* the poll, you might want to take a gander at the *results* page.

Notice anything funny?

They qualify they votes *after* they're tallied, *not* before!

Talk about dirty poole!

-- Ron Schwarz (, October 29, 1999


Interesting. I checked the answers, went back and voted, and the results did NOT change. Anyone else notice this?


-- TECH32 (TECH32@NOMAIL.COM), October 29, 1999.

Did you notice the rigged *subtexts* to the answers?

It's like running a poll asking, "Do you eat at McDonalds, yes or no", and *after* you vote, the answers are along the lines of:

"Yes, I believe in subsidizing megacorps as they ravage the landscape."

"No, I recognize that murdering cattle is unconscionable."

Then again, ZDNet; what did you *expect* from them?

-- Ron Schwarz (, October 29, 1999.

Have you ever check out the poll at y2k newswire. Seems like they run a similar racket.

-- Butt Nugget (, October 29, 1999.

'Trick Poll' can be contracted into 'Troll'! It's a sign I tell you!


-- Y2Kook (, October 30, 1999.

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