"Images other than full color cannot be saved"

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Using EZTouch to save Fujifilm MX-2700 digital camera images. I can save in BMP format but when I try to save in JPG I get "Images other than full color cannot be saved." They used to save as JPG's fine until now and I don't think anything has changed in my setup. Any ideas?

-- Mary Feliton (mfeliton@ix.netcom.com), October 28, 1999


I think it is implying that your image is not full color. I presume this means it is paletted color, i.e. 256 colors.

This could happen if you have ever converted that image to GIF format. GIF can retain only 256 colors. A 256-color image can look ALMOST as good as a "full-color" i.e. 16-million color image, to the casual observer.

To fix this, use the program's command to "convert to" and select the mode to convert to as: "full color" or "16-million colors", or "24-bit color", or "32-bit color" or "RGB color" -- all those terms mean essentially the same thing, and are used interchangable in various image editing programs.


-- bruce komusin (bkomusin@bigfoot.com), November 02, 1999.

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