A "High" View of Inerrancy.......the Only Ground for Debate

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

What a great day on the forum this has been.

Why?? Because it again proves what the Restoration Movement has historically held.

Namely....if the church is to ever be unified....it must have a "high" view of the inerrancy of Scripture (as opposed to the "Neo-Orthodox" view).

Only then is there common ground to discuss our differences.

Case in point. Brother Kelley and I have had some major differences on this forum. I have felt he was wrong about some things (and I felt sure he felt the same about me).

However, I always knew that he beleived the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God.

Because we both believed that....and were committed to it.....there are two issues today that we have found complete agreement on. In fact.....he has impressed me with his grasp of a number of issues.

Do we still have some major differences?? I'm sure of it. But the more we explore together the richness of God's word.....the more we find in common.

Finding such common ground is impossible with those who do not have a "high" view of Scripture and choose rather to inject their own eisegesis and opinion.

Thanks for the forum Duane as it provides further opportunties to strech our minds and put into practice what our movement has always had as a motto....."In essentials unity! In non-essentials...liberty! In all things....love!"

-- Anonymous, October 27, 1999


Thanks Danny, well spoken. I run into people who make the same claim regarding the scriptures, that is, that they do believe the Bible to be without errors. Unfortunately, tho, that central belief does not by itself mean that an individual has a Spiritual mentality. There are so many matters of holy writ that have to be spiritually discerned. Everyone talking about honestly trying to follow the word of God does not honestly do so. I run across this much on this forum. I dont want to judge them, but do not often read an attitude of genuine hearing and concern for the truth. Often credit where credit is do is not manifested. I guess I fight so hard myself to keep from developing an "I know it all attitude" I figure everyone else does also. Guess we have to just love em anyway and do the best we can.

-- Anonymous, December 05, 1999

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