Picture quality and color

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I recently purchase a soundvision SV-209 digital camera. When I download the pictures from the camera to my computer, the images have a greenish/yellowish tint. The grass appears a beautiful green when it is actually changing colors for the fall of the year. My house is a peach color and appears yellow on the picture. Anyone has any ideals or solutions? Thanks

-- James Howard (JHoward@Skantech.com), October 26, 1999


Sounds like you need to discover the wonderful world of digitat post processing... :-) Most cameras seem to require some color, brightness, and contrast adjustments. I have a PDR-M1 and it usually tends to be slanted toward the yellow-green end of the spectrum.

What you need to do is simply make adjustments with an editing program. If the adjustments are very similar from image to image then a program like Photogenetics(there's a link somewhere on this site for a trial version) should be a big help and it's pretty much a no-brainer interface. You just keep telling the program which image you like better and it keeps making changes until you're satisfied with the results. It's time consuming to get some just right, but you can use the "curve" built by that experience and apply it to a bunch of images to get them close to perfect without a lot of messing around. Try it.

-- Gerald Payne (gmp@francorp.francomm.com), October 27, 1999.

Uhm, Digital, not digitat... :-)

-- Gerald Payne (gmp@francorp.francomm.com), October 27, 1999.

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