What is it that you don't get?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : I-695 Thirty Dollar License Tab Initiative : One Thread

What is it about these "NO" people? Common folks are the ones who want this to be passed. The MVET is the most ridiculous and unfair tax that has probably ever been. (other than the death tax) Having to set aside money months before your tabs are due (because you wouldn't just want to be hit with a big bill now would you?)is out of hand! Notice that the "NO" group is all government, unions, and big business, not the people that have to pay the tabs. VOTE YES! I could really use a break from the government's greedy hand and so could most of the people who pay taxes. Does anybody remember the Revolutionary War? The Boston Tea Party? Where have all the good times gone? VOTE YES! VOTE YES! VOTE YES! VOTE YES! VOTE YES! VOTE YES! VOTE YES!

-- Jeremy Tuttle (Jeremyt@hattitudes.net), October 24, 1999


Um, Jeremy, the individuals in government, unions, and big business all pretty much own cars too, so they all have to pay the car tab fees too. There seems to be this illusion that those in government are immune to the taxes they institute. They aren't. Any idea how many expensive cars those execs at Boeing and Microsoft own, and how much they have to pay in

-- Patrick (patrick1142@yahoo.com), October 24, 1999.

It would seem that you aren't looking at what you have written which explains my point exactly. Microsoft execs and Boeing execs can afford to pay the UNREASONABLE car tab fees. People like me, and about 90% of the people who own cars in this state can't or have to make HUGE sacrifices. This is the 1st tax relief for working people in this state since the food tax ended. Clearly you should VOTE YES!

-- Jeremy Tuttle (Jeremyt@hattitudes.net), October 24, 1999.

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