digital camera for medical photography : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am looking for a digital camera for medical pathologic specimens. Does anyone have a recommendation? The specimens vary in size from small (few mm's) to 3-4 ft. The camera would also be used for medical examiner (think Quincy) crime scene documentation.

I am also looking for a digital camera for photomicroscopy with an Olympus BX40 microscope. Does anyone have a recommendation? Thank you.

-- Karen Chancellor (, October 21, 1999


Sounds like a job for the Nikon 950. It can take macro pictures closer than any of the rest - Like 1 cm specimen fills the frame. And it can be attached to instruments; there's a guy who put one on a telescope somewhere (forget the address). It has a metal (rugged) case, and may be considered one of the industry standards, if the photos ever get called into question. I vaugely remember reading a post from another crime scene photographer who used one of the higher end cameras..D620? Good luck!

-- JKHoffman (, October 21, 1999.

I second the vote on Nikon 950. It does a spectacular job. Check out for attaching the 950 to other equipement. I understand they are very helpful, too. Just give them a call and ask.

I have a page of digital photo links on my web page at // or

-- dave clark (, October 21, 1999.

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