Andy, how disfunctional are you? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Andy. In another thread you were commenting (boasting, actually) how much money you'd made, and said that $200,000 was a fortune to most people reading this Group. Yes & No. That amount of money, to seriously rich people, is but small change. However my contention is that that few seriously wealthy people read info on groups lilke this. They have neither the time or inclination. Better, more important things to do. Most very rich people are extremely busy. I'll go further. Many people spending lots of time here, are disfunctional to some extent. Most will have relationship problems to some degree. Alone (you, Andy?),trapped in unsatisfying relationships, desperate for human contact, time on their hands, etc. A lot of fear too. Fear of facing who you are and what you are. So this Group, with it's subject matter, is perfect for you to escape into. A soft option (the alternartive being actually living your life). In my case I lurk here on average about 30 minutes per day. Sometimes miss a couple or 3 days, then spend an hour or so catching up on interesting- looking posts. As far as disfunctionality, (and I have the training and honesty to accurately access my situation), I'd put myself, on a scale of 1 to 10, at 3. (Let's say 1 is normal, 10 is in serious need of professional help) How about you, Andy?

-- Asking (Just@a, October 18, 1999


Oy, vey!

-- (what's@the.point?), October 18, 1999.

Hypocrite. The Andy issue aside, you're anonymously bagging on everyone who frequents this forum. I value this educational and friendly banter. Your intent is obviously malicious. Take it elsewhere.

-- Downstreamer (, October 18, 1999.

the first thing one learns in abnormal psych is that it's not possible to diagnose or treat yourself

-- zoobie (, October 18, 1999.

I am about a 1 1/2 on your silly scale. I have lots of well- functioning relationships and a pretty busy life. I am an 8th grade teacher, have a husband and a child, lots of extended family and friends.

Have you ever heard the word "interesting"? I find this forum interesting. Period.


Don't YOU have better things to do than to armchair analyze the people on this forum?

-- Preparing (, October 18, 1999.


I'm lurking (occasional post if I have time) From 830am to 530pm m-f Does this mean I too, am incapable of having a life? That I cannot have a relationship?

No you sorry simp, It means I get paid 11.00+ per hour to check out this forum (among others) during my work day.

Don't feed the trolls...

-- Billy Boy (, October 18, 1999.

You are correct in your interpretation Asking. I have a degree in Psychology and am currently doing grad work in that field. Some of the people that visit this forum do so out of curiosity. That is my reason. Others, though, do it because they are genuinely disturbed. It could be a personality disorder or it could be a more serious affective disorder. Who knows. Some people are on this forum entirely too much. A person posts something, gets responses, and is able to respond constantly all day long. As far as Andy is concerned, I don't know him and can not say whether he speaks the truth or not. If he is doing what he says, why is he here? Each individual will have to draw their own conclusion.

-- jq public (, October 18, 1999.


I would put you above a 3 for needing help if all you have to do in life is make judgement calls on forum members with your 30 minutes online here.

IMHO the whole IT community has shown a serious lapse in judgement for letting a simple problem cascade into where we are at now.

The media shows signs of disfunction due to their reliance on communicating the mundane and uninformitive information consistantly.

Politics - well its a given.

What skeletons are in your closet Asking? Bad credit, no friends, bad health, legal problems, hate your life so much that you must directly attack someone that doesn't know you?

This is not to support Andy or speak for him but who the hell are you?

-- Brian (, October 18, 1999.


You're right, rich people are not dysfunctional at all, as long as their only function in life is to accumulate material wealth.

You're also right that they never have relationships problems, and that is because they do not have relationships!

And maybe you could help us out here a bit... just what are some of these "more important things to do" that makes them so uninterested in what we peasants have to say?

-- @ (@@@.@), October 18, 1999.

Gawd, nothing like a couple of armchair psychologists that don't know how to spell "dysfunctional". Morons, this forum is undoubtedly not frequented by the wealthy, but more likely people who want to know what the hell Y2K is, how it will affect them, and what they can do about it. And appreciate Andy's valuable advice.

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), October 18, 1999.

Awwww Spain-ey baby... you to took my post... I was going to point out that those who can't spell "dysfunctional" had better watch what they post, particularly when it is critical.

-- Diane (, October 18, 1999.

To: Asking

I'm not sure from your posting how you view world events but my guess is that you're one of the types that believe things just happen by accident or for no reason at all whether it's, wars, famine, computer glitches, political events, etc. What I think you don't understand about Andy, Liberty and many other fine people that frequent this forum is that they're not odorless, colorless, tasteless and cooly dispassionate as you seem to be. You see, they want their passion for life and freedom to be contagious with all they come in contact with and how bad is that? They may not be right all the time but they understand how economics, media, education, religion etc. can be manipulated to bring about certain results that just might not be in our best interest. ..............This forum may be a lot of things but, I don't think dysfunctional is how I would describe it. best interest

-- saveamerica (, October 18, 1999.

The world is still functioning with dysfunctional people. As a matter of fact, your president went golfing last night in the rain by himself. You lurk here 30 minutes a day? My ass you do. Sounds to me like your the one who is desperate. Have you ever met Andy or anyone else here personally? And, what is it to you if people want to spend spend all day here? Some people spend 4 hours a day in a car, in bumper-to-bumper traffic, and some people spend hours sitting in front of a tv, or hours on the golf course. So what the hell business is it of yours how and where people choose to spend their time?

-- bardou (, October 18, 1999.

AssKing, er I mean Asking,

I'm dysfunctional, their dysfuntional, he's dysfuntional, she's dysfuntional, wouldn't you like to be dysfuntional too!?!

Seriously, I have been on both sides of the financial fence so to speak. My 97 1040 said I was taxed on over $250,000.00 (No mistake, this is for real) This year I might bottom out at $55,000.00 I have not worked for the entire year. I decided to quit working for my money and let my money work for me. I make decidedly less, but enjoy putting up with cretins like yourself on this forum.

To keep busy I go to school and educate myself further. You have to be a human joke to think that money solves all ills.

As far as any SYSOPS making $11.00 per hour, thank God I didn't choose your go nowhere profession.

-- Mr. Friendly (dysfunctional@r.we), October 18, 1999.


The truth is that those guys are the ones who are not happy. Isn't our society slightly dysfunctional, to say the least? More like COMPLETELY dysfunctional. So if they conform to the norms of a completely dysfunctional society like the good little corporate clones that they are, THEY are the ones who are dysfunctional, and that is why they are jealous of the freedom we have on this forum.

Those of us who do not enjoy living according to their prejudices, or allow ourselves to be controlled by their sick desires to tell other people how to live, are actually the healthiest and sanest individuals who still value our individual freedom.

-- @ (@@@.@), October 18, 1999.


Geez, that was a beautiful response. A home run. Wacked that silly "ball" of his right out of the park. What a moron, you're right.


I hope you aren't even tempted to give a serious response to this. KOS said it all, as quickly and clearly as can be done. End of story.

-- Gordon (, October 18, 1999.

MOMMY!!! Please don't let those BAD men take away my mousey! They say I need help. They say they want to put me in the big pink room, with all the nice flowers...that's long as they don't take you away Mr. Mousey....Mr. Mousey? MR. MOUSEY!!! Where did you go Mr. Mousey?!?!

-- TM (, October 18, 1999.

Very amusing thread! Lots of creative responses. I'm wondering if "Asking" is another persona of the "Ken Decker" individual... poor fellow...

-- Elbow Grease (LBO, October 18, 1999.

Its time to put the FUN back in dysFUNctional! : )

Besides, I never met anyone really normal anyway, have you? *Normal* people are so rare as to be the variant.....


-- LauraA (, October 18, 1999.

Perhaps it takes a little insanity to keep yourself sane.

Either way, this probably wouldn't be a good time to mention that I've sent letters to The Squirrel King (to offer my services as Chief of Staff) and KoS (to see if I could pick up the mud contract for the 2000 Olympics of Mudwresting).

-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), October 18, 1999.

I'M A TEN BABY!!!!!!!!!



-- nothere nothere (, October 18, 1999.

Lisa, your right, normal people do scare me! We mostly hang out with very dysfunctional people. We go rock crawling in places that would pucker your butt, we hang out with people who like to live on the edge of life. They don't care about anything except for crawling over rocks, driving up waterfalls just to see how far they can go. GAWD I love being dysFUNctional. "AssKing" your boring and I think you hate yourself. Deep down, you want to be just like us, living life to the hilt.

-- bardou (, October 18, 1999.

I'd just like to chime in and extend a hearty "F*#K YOU." to any and all pathologizers of political speech. Read "The Gulag Archipeligo" to see how far these "little men" will go, if given a long enough leash. Rich people's wealth is proof of sanity?! Please. This is the logic behind the (Rockefeller funded) American Eugenics movement of the 1920s: sterilize the "mental defectives" and "idlers" on the basis of their lack of wealth. We ought to greet this kind of psychotic arrogance in the same way we would the suggestion that black people should be "shipped back to Africa," or women should be "barefoot and pregnant!" Little men like this need to be spanked and put to bed without any grant money.


-- Liberty (, October 18, 1999.

Wow. Could you all get the others to post here as well? This could be an entirely new study for me.

Thanks for your remarks so far.

-- Psych Major (psychob@b.ler), October 18, 1999.

Psych Major,

What do you make of people who like to find out information about dead realtives, go looking for them in cemeteries, etc. I'm one of those people.

-- (, October 18, 1999.

DiETeR Is HiGHLy fuNcTIoNAL, iS THis NoT TruE????? oF COurSE, jaCKasS!!!! dIETEr Is sO FUncTIoNAL tHAT HE Is DOWn-RigHT fuNC-A- deLic!!!!! coNJUncTIOn JUncTIOn, whAT's DIEteR's FUncTIOn?????? tO PoiNT OuT FOoLisHNEss And jaCKASSeLrY!!!!! dIETeR NoW POinTS TOwaRDS YoU!!!!! hYeNA SCroTUm!!!!! buNGHoLe!!!!

alSO, mR oF THe oNLy siNGuLaR QUerY!!!!! oF COurSE THe fABULouSLy weALthY DO noT FREquENT TheSE TYpES oF FORa!!!!! dILLwiCK!!!! wHY woULD DIetER SPeND hIs FEw WAkING HoURs heRe iF he wAS rOLLiNG In MOoLAh???? hUh???? wELL???? IdioT!!!! wOULd diETeR NoT Be crUISinG ThE INtrA-COasTAL waTERWaY In hIS eiGHT HunDREd fOOt haTTerAs, suRROuNDEd bY FABuloUS BabES, LiKE tHaT REal-EStaTE WIz TOmmY VU?????

nOW, ALsO, AgaIN, WhaT IS thIS FEar THaT SEeMS TO upSET YoU SO???? diETeR HaS NO neED For HuMAN CONtaCT!!!! infIDEL BUttPLug!!!! dIETeR's beING Is inTERtwINED WiTH hIS HUmaN HoST, tHIS Is QUitE ENOuGH HUmaN COntACT FOr hiM, THanK YOu veRY MucH!!!!!


i HatE YoU!!!!!!

-- Dieter (, October 18, 1999.

I say we all pitch in and get Andy a little Y2K gift....let's get him LAID!

-- Sheryl (, October 18, 1999.

eat the rich

-- Eddie (, October 18, 1999.

6 daze ago i coulden spel dissfunkshun now i are wun

-- (function@junction.commode), October 18, 1999.

I am rich and I don't have a life since I learned about y2K. Heck I constantly miss my nail and hair appointments lately and wear out my nail tips on the keyboard. I'm really a mess. I guess I look dysfunctional to you, huh?

What's worse I love Andy and diETEr, and I'm afraid it's a one-way love. dIETEr hates everybody but himself, and Andy's just too busy with his damn gold to notice me. I'm a mess alright. Put me at a 10. No wait, an 11, because I just know that next year I'll be even more a mess; I'll eather be definitely in rags or histerically happily eating crow.

I'm out of Mountain Dew damnit! Now i'll be BITING my nails!!!

-- (, October 18, 1999.

Oh and excuuuuuse me! I didn't use a spell checker and made typos. At least I spelled dysfunctional right. Phew!

-- (, October 18, 1999.

fEAr NoT My LitTLe tuRTLe doVE!!!!! dIETeR Is mOST ENamoRED Of fLAkEY GirLs!!!!!! aND ALsO Of tHE WAywaRD wOMEn!!!! aND ALsO DELinqueNT CHicKS!!!!! aND TRampY LittLe TArtS WHo haVE BeeN BaD, aND DEsirE DIetER's coRRecTIOn!!!!!!!

-- Dieter (, October 18, 1999.

ROTFLMAO, Dieter! Priceless, absolutely priceless!

-- Old Git (, October 18, 1999.

We doomers love posts like this heh heh because they are so flagrantly stupid. Are we going to argue who is dysfunctional? Here's a group of people able to go out and prepare for anywhere from a few months to a couple of years of extraordinary disruption and you call that dysfunctional? Or, do you mean you don't like our personalities? Get outta here with dat.

I'm here because I have a Y2K obsession. I am fascinated by a process that threatens to take away the life I have known and deliver I know not what.

-- Mara (, October 18, 1999.

I'm a 12, but I hide it well.

No, you don't.

Yes, I do. Shut up!

It's perfectly obvious to ev

SHUT UP! Shut up, or I'll put us in the closet, again!

-- Bokonon (, October 18, 1999.

Trust old SlimFast (aka Dieter... Diet-er..., fuggetaboutit) to steal the show ya ol' bastid!

And I mean that in a loving way, Darling (Dame Edna Everedge) - [hit athwart the head most aggressively with some Gladiolae wrapped up so tight as to resemble a Japanese Hari-Kari's balls before the final denouement...)...

Onward and UPward :)

Andy. In another thread you were commenting (boasting, actually) how much money you'd made, and said that $200,000 was a fortune to most people reading this Group.

####### In my best Flint tradition - here goes :)

Yes... $200K buys a lot of "realtime" mud wrestling eh King? :)

As to boasting - that is not my style at all. Ya see, simpleton, is it OK if I call you simpleton or is ST OK for short?... thanks..

That $200k I've made I've already given it away to you ALL...

YES... it's true, I bought a whole bunch of USA Gold Eagles at "give- away" prices subsidised by schmucks like the know-nothing that started this thread.

I bought cheap "give-away" gold provided by the UK and USA...

Thank you, know-nothing. The Au has beeen well hidden. You and Joe gubbmint come 'get it... :)

As per usual "you", ST, are just another "piss in the wind [oncoming]" example of arseholes that I have had to deal with over the last two years on this forum... you HIDE beyond a fake e-mail and throw darts at LIONS ( pause, I am but a pussycat, I am referring to the likes of Diane, Big Dog, Patick, Kevin, Robert.etc. etc. etc.)

In contrast you negatives are collectively a sad bunch of toe-rags... #######

Again, onward.

To answer your set-up question double-ddecker ...

####### Pause, drink a few gulps of Fullers - yes $2.99 a bottle BUT well worth it :) (smile) ######

That amount of money, to seriously rich people, is but small change.

####### Yawn #######

However my contention is that that few seriously wealthy people read info on groups lilke this.

####### Double-yawn asswipe, you are wrong ;) They didn't get that way by being dumbasses like yourself, they HAVE plenty of tine on their hands, and they meet with like-minded cronies to find out how to prevent pagan heathens like myself from interloping on their "turf" IMHO ;) #######

They have neither the time or inclination. ####### dopeslapp #######

####### Yes, they are all retards like yourself, that's how they got so much fucking "Better", with more important things to do. #######

Most very rich people are extremely busy.

####### and your point Einstein? #######

I'll go further. Many people spending lots of time here, are disfunctional to some extent.

####### asshole. i am not dysfunctional pal. i hold down a real "y2k" job (rah rah fucking rah)... i read widely... i drink lights out... i chase women... occassionly i get arrested (shut the fuck up mike ;) ... what's 'yer friggin point?

i walk the talk numbnuts :)

Hey, by the time y2k hits I'll be a millionaire or bust... get my psychology yet moron? - we are all going to be "toast" in one degree or another...

Jeez, I don't know why I'm bothering, you either have the intellect for this or not...

I liken this period in our history to the Godfather Part I,

think abahtit :) #######

Most will have relationship problems to some degree. Alone (you, Andy?),

####### au contraire ducky. I am right-handed :) #######

unsatisfying relationships,

####### what relationships, I'm alone right? make yer friggin mind up :) #######

desperate for human contact,

####### puh-leeeeeeeze #######

time on their hands, etc. A lot of fear too. Fear of facing who you are and what you are.

####### come in,come in, your times' up! #######

So this Group, with it's subject matter, is perfect for you to escape into. A soft option (the alternartive being actually living your life). In my case I lurk here on average about 30 minutes per day.

####### you repaeat yourself, Dartignon... #######

Sometimes miss a couple or 3 days, then spend an hour or so catching up on interesting- looking posts. As far as disfunctionality, (and I have the training and honesty to accurately access my situation), I'd put myself, on a scale of 1 to 10, at 3. (Let's say 1 is normal, 10 is in serious need of professional help) How about you, Andy? ####### If you're a neasure asshole I'd sa i'm aboyt a 21... :)

Get a fucking LIFE!

-- Andy (, October 19, 1999.

Andy is very funny and charismatic, he has a very, very high strike-rate for a conspiracy nut (i.e. probably only half of what he says is bollocks,) he's rich, and he spends his time drinking beer, driving race cars and shagging strippers.

Sounds pretty functional to me!!

Now just why he's such a focus of attention on a y2k forum, well I'm not sure. Better than paying attention to Flint, I guess.

-- nah (, October 19, 1999.

"Gawd, nothing like a couple of armchair psychologists that don't know how to spell "dysfunctional". Morons..."

Priceless KOS. Speaks volumes...

One of the great distractions, kill the poster. OK, Andy's in the top 10 here. One of the few people that have the balls to post their opinion on a public forum, and defend it.

I don't agree with everything that Andy says here. I don't agree with everything that the other 8 of 10 "popular" people say here, esp. Flint! We just have a common concern. We all have our own way of saying it.

If you want a psych check, try doing it on all of us. Don't use the Andy Ray method: find a few wacky posts, and say that it represents us all. It doesn't. Don't try to pick on one person, we've all said some pretty wacky things in how many thousands of posts each!!! Start with us...

And this is really important:

1) It's still Y2K, stupid!

2) It ain't Y2K yet!

Tick... Tock... <:00=

PS - And if it weren't for some classic Dieter, I'ld say delete the whole damned thread...

PPS - Keep 'em cumin' Andy...

-- Sysman (, October 19, 1999.

Thanks Sys!

A question... I have been posting and have without doubt vecone "harder" or more "street wise" in the last yaear or

-- Andy (, October 19, 1999.

tho... thud... nighty-night...

-- Andy (, October 19, 1999.

Andy you still ignored me but I don't care, I win the JACKPOT!!

I'm DiETEr's TuRTlE dOVE!!


-- (, October 19, 1999.

I lied... :)

Turtle Dove ( I luuuuuuuuv that name)

as Morrissey says, I'm ready and waiting :).......... (big smile)

-- Andy (, October 19, 1999.

You're welcome Andy.

Now, let's get back to business. Screw this phsyc (not SP) your sick polly opinion DISTRACTION bullshit!

From a blind seeing eye dog...!!!

Ahhh, let's see, what's on my menu... Y2K... that could be interesting... Oh yea, here it is.....

Tick... Tock... <:00=

-- Sysman (, October 19, 1999.

Sysman my friend,

the reason I haven't been posting the last few weeks is I have dick'ing with Au and Ag...

Quick rant,,,

Joe SP? ---- Au----Huh?

late december and possibly yo yo yo

-- Andy (, October 19, 1999.

Well children, that was quite interesting. I'm not saying that you're all DISFUNCTIONAL, just a lot of you, like Andy. And Andy, your Mum would be shocked at your language, your bragging, and your drinking, as well as the financial mistakes you appear to be making.

Indeed, she'd probably be very sad to see the state you are in, and what's become of you .Get different grip on yourself, Andy, before it's too late. And for goodness sake, try not to take notice of Mr Friendly, whom, it appears, has a larger asset than you.

By the way, I don't have a President. Trouble with Americans is that you think the USA is the centre of the universe and everyone posting/lurking here is one of you. In fact, that assumption is almost correct, because most others would have a look, and move right along. This forum is too narrow and self-centred for many of us from richer, more diverse and interesting cultures.

I lurk mostly to laugh at Andy's performance and watch him getting trounced by Ken THERE'S an unequal competition if ever there was one!!! Ken referred in another thread to Andy's always cutting & pasting, cutting & pasting, with never an original thought in his little head. Well, Ken Decker, if you're reading this, APOLOGISE to Andy. I mean, his response to me wasn't a c&p, and look at it. Lucid, rational, intelligent, persuasive and compelling reading. NOT!!

On second thoughts, from now on Andy is to be know as...

CUT & PASTE or CP for short....


Thanks for the fun, folks. All this stuff is being stored for future analysis and will provide decades of work for phychologists. In 2010 they'll be using these posts at Uni in Pych.1.

CP, you're gonna be a star..........

-- Asking (Just@a, October 19, 1999.

"...richer, more diverse and interesting cultures....ENGLAND?......BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

-- TM (, October 19, 1999.

England? Certainly not.

-- Asking (Just@a, October 19, 1999.

Oliver Reed rules!

-- Andy (, October 21, 1999.

Very obtuse, Cut $ Paste. BTW, Gold at 306 an' goin' no-where! Bit like you, CP? Admit it man. You've stuffed up. Again.

-- Aasking (, October 21, 1999.

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