Tell me about my camera PLEASE!! : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Hello, I am a begining photographer and I would like to know if any one can tell me about my camera. I have a Cannon AE 1 Program and I got it as a present from someone when I started taking a photography class. I see alot of people with Pentax cameras and not very many Cannons and I was wondering if it was a good camera.

Also I was wondering if I were to buy a lens - do I have to get a Cannon lens or can I get any lens as long as it fits?

Thanks alot!!

-- Megan Butacan (aunt, October 15, 1999


The Canon AE-1 Program is a fine camera. It features a shutter priority mode in which the user chooses the shutter speed and the camera's internal metering system chooses the aperature (F-stop) for the "correct" exposure, and a Program mode in which the camera's internal metering system chooses both shutter speed and aperature. Luckily for you, the camera can also be used completely manually in which the user chooses both the shutter speed and apurature, since you will be using it for a photography class. Hopefully you have a good instructor who will teach you how and why you might choose any given combination of apurature and shutter speed.

The Canon AE-1 Program uses Canon FD lenses which I believe will be the only ones you will find that fit. Other lens manufacturers make lenses with the Canon FD mount. I have used a few excellent lenses made by Tokina. If you are buying a new lens just bring the camera and try the lens with it and you will be sure. If you are buying used where you don't have a chance to test the lens, such as on eBay, just inquire for certain that the lens is marked with the "FD" designation. Good luck.

-- J.L. Kennedy (, October 16, 1999.

I worked 21 years as a photojournalist and all my cameras are Canons. I think Canon is as good as any on the market and better than most. There were a lot of those AE1 cameras sold and they were popular because they are simple and reliable. I recommend Canon lenses although others, such as Vivitar, are available with Canon mounts. I suggest you contact Canon and see if you can get an owners manual for your camera. That would help. Joe

-- Joe Cole (, October 18, 1999.

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