new sytle of pentax lenses??? : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I was looking on ebay if there are any good p67 systems or lenses for sale. While looking I noticed some of the newer lenses had stop down levers that where A little diff. than the other lenses. Did pentax redo minor things to their lenses? I just hope they didn't cheap out the lenses. A lot of companies now days cheap out on the material and manufacturing of the lenses and bodies only to sell them at a higher price. Heh the goog ol american way. Here are a couple I found on ebay. p.s. just cut and paste the addresses into your browser. Thanks

-- frank day (, October 13, 1999


there are two addresses in my first post. The first one ends with a 10 and the second starts with http. It looks funky on my screen. also

-- frank day (, October 13, 1999.

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