need Paul Stookey's "The Wedding Song" notated for piano in key of : LUSENET : Free Music : One Thread |
I'm singing a wedding on Saturday afternoon and have been searching everywhere for Paul Stookey's "The Wedding Song" (There is Love) in the key of C. It was apparently only published in the key of E and that is too high. I've been using it for years that way, but I really need it lower for this weekend and the pianist said he will play it in C -- if I can find the music. Does anyone have a computer program that will transpose it from E to C? Or does anyone have it in a book/collection of wedding songs in the key of C? I would be very grateful for any help since the wedding I am singing is for the daughter of a co-worker and I want it to be especially nice. Singing it in a lower key makes understanding the words so much easier. Thanks!
-- Mary Jo (, October 12, 1999