US Government Mesage to US Citizens: Go &%#$ Yourselves : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

From Jack Gribben, the spokesman for the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion:

"If it would make you more comfortable," Gribben allows, make sure you have a three-day supply of food, water, flashlights, batteries and other supplies on hand for millennium weekend. But, he adds, "That's something you should be doing all the time."


Now, very carefully think about that for a minute. he says that three days of emergency supplies is what one ought to have all the time;not just for Y2K. Y2k or no Y2k, Mardi Gras or no Mardi Gras, Arbor Day or no Arbor Day, one should have three days woth of supplies. In other words the amount of preparation for Y2k is ZERO over and above what you should have any day of the year.

The message: Y2k is absolutely nothing at all. Not even a bump in the road.

A few more than 80 days and the government mouthpiece is telling the public that they need do next to nothing at all. Just have a few flashlight batteries on hand. That's all.

They have officially stated that the consequences are no different than any other time in the year; Y2K or no Y2K.

This is not just wrong. It is not even criminal. It goes way way way beyond criminal.

Then, we have de Jager with the exact same message....

"If you are prepared for something like an ice storm or a flood or a hurricane, then you need not do one extra thing for Y2K," says de Jager

And again, here we have de Jager STRESSING that the consequences of Y2k are so insignificant as to be no different than any other day of the year.

Ask yourself one thing....Why are government entities stockpiling things like MRE's and building Command Bunkers? Why are they making serious preparations and telling you NOT to do it? They say that they are making a prudent preparation just in case, but that YOU should not do it because it would upset the apple cart if EVERYONE prepared.

In otherwords, if everyone prepares it sinks us. On the other hand if no one prepares and it goes wrong, you are sunk ANYWAY.


Why would you NOT prepare? The ONLY result of NOT preparing is that you end up ENSCREWED. If you prepare and you do not need it, then fine, you are SAFE. if you do NOT prepare and you NEED it , you are DEAD.

The government is preparing and at the same time telling you NOT to do it. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that you are being HOODWINKED, DECEIVED; and INTENTIONALLY so.

They know full well that preparations are NECESSARY but they can NOT allow you to do it. They can not tell the public it is absolutely necesary to prepare without sinking the economy and/or causing panic.

They are telling you to GO F*CK yourself.

Get it yet???? =News/Story_1999_10_10.NRdb@2@9@3@126&path=News/

-- Paul Milne "If you live within 5 miles of a 7-11, you're toast"

-- Paul Milne (, October 10, 1999


Thank you, Paul.

Is it only Seven Eleven's that are the cause of the problems, or are there other small convenience stores which are also indicators that I am toast?

I live almost 13 miles from the nearest 7-11, but only 1/2 mile from Kelly's Market, a small family owned store. Should I be worried?

Do you have a formula for just HOW worried I should be about becoming toast, based on these data?

Thanks so much for any help you can give me.


-- Al K. Lloyd (, October 10, 1999.


I looked at the War College report again today. I say it in a new light. The government saw lots of problems in '99 and in '00 with a "lull" at the roll over. It appears that the powers that be, have quelled the '99 problem. It is called Spin control. There have been several books on this subject.

The problem comes in '00. Spin control will not bring the computer programs back to life. I have learned one thing in programing computers since 1974.... The computer will do what it wants to do, I can devise work arounds, but if the program will not run...It will not run.

It is a real slave master. The computer has no compasion for my "feelings". It will do it, or it will not.

It is a binary solution. Get use to it ......

Things will get worse before they get better.

-- Helium (, October 10, 1999.

We started off as a nation of rabble rousers who were pretty self- reliant. Now, government has fooled itself, and a lot of us, into thinking that we cannot blow our nose without a social agency there to provide pre- and post- blow counseling, etc. How in the world could be ever be expected to actually prepare for something significant like y2k? I'm relaxed though. Bill Klinton will come through, right? Thanks for your efforts.

-- Gore (, October 10, 1999.

I have been wondering how "they would play this out as we near the end. Interesting the way "they" decided to play it down so much that there might not be any panic at all prior to 1/1 or 1/2 2000. Is there anyone in the government who cares? Maybe they care but can't do anything about it. Maybe the ones that do care are so outnumbered and so out gunned they are like us now, just waiting to see what happens.

Any opinions on whether the news media will accurately report the problems ahead or will they just pretty much let things stand as they are?

-- the Virginian (still looking for my friend Trampus) (SoThereWon'tBeAPanicBefore1/1/0000?@It'sGoingToBeBad1/1/0000!.com), October 10, 1999.

Two items on TV say it all. 1) The U.S. Atlantic Command has been restructured to coordinate the use of military forces under FEMA, for use in a major crisis. Why this command you may ask...Well, the other major *operational* (vice administrative) commands are not well located geographically for this duty. The Pacific Command, for instance is headquarted in Hawaii. 2) I've seen on CNN how we are developing missiles to intercept incoming long range nuclear missiles. I still think there are countries out there that hate the U.S. and would rather "use than loose" their nuclear arsenals. Oh, well. Flame me on this thought. But there are a lot of senior Russians that hate America, and they have, last I heard, a 3 to one missile advantage over us. Not that the U.S. government is worried...they have shown on CNN how they can shoot down a few of these incoming they won't all get through... maybe at least shoot down the ones headed for Washington D.C....and Norfolk, Va., home of the Atlantic Command.

-- nothing (, October 10, 1999.

They are TESTING, there is NO defence in place, NO antimissle defence exist and won't for YEARS.

-- goldbug (, October 11, 1999.

-- Al K. Lloyd, Helium, the Virginian,

The vilest form of self abasement and self destruction is the subordination of your mind to the mind of another, the acceptance of an authority over your brain, the acceptance of his assertations as facts, his say-so as truth, his edicts as middle man over your consciousness and your existance.



Honesty is the recognition of the fact that the unreal is unreal can have no value, that neither love nor fame nor cash is a value if obtained by fraud-that an attempt to gain a value by deceiving the mind of others is an act of raising your victims to a position higher than reality, where you become a pawn of their blindness, a slave of their non-thinking and their evasions, while their intelligence, their rationality, their perceptiveness become the enemies you have to dread and flee-that you do not care to live as a dependent, least of all a dependent on the stupidity of others, or a fool who's source of of values is the fools he succeeds in fooling-that honesty is not a social duty, not a sacrifice for the sake of others, but the most profoundly selfish virtue man can practice: his refusal to sacrifice the reality of his own existence to the deluded consciousness of others

-- Cherri (, October 11, 1999.

wow cherri--how did you do that? you just sent my brain into total lock up this morning with that statement. i can't even begin to unravel it. the only other time i have experienced this is when i encountered a statistical problem that was a half a page with a square root over it. woah. so are you agin' it or fer it?

-- tt (, October 11, 1999.

From Jack Gribben, the spokesman for the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion:

"If it would make you more comfortable," Gribben allows, make sure you have a three-day supply of food, water, flashlights, batteries and other supplies on hand for millennium weekend. But, he adds, "That's something you should be doing all the time."


Usually I answer something like that with a question. Like, "Say What?!!!!!!"

How would you take what Mr. Gribben an official spokesman for the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion as having said? His statement is condescending, aimed at anyone that would be stupid enough to watchout for themselves rather than having the government take care of them.

Yes, I did ask about opinions on how the news media will handle Y2K as the deadline approaches. So what. Just looking for speculations, not known facts. Kind of like asking opinions on how the World Series will turn out. Would you have a problem with that?

I do believe that the stress level is rising. For polly's or doomers or GI and DGI or however else you might want to label folks.

I am quite comfortable with my preps come what may.

-- the Virginian (, October 11, 1999.

Cherri's suffuring 'melt-down'. Somebody kick-start her!


It's taken me nearly 48 hours to recover from Clinton's last posted remarks about Y2K, well actually, I'm STILL reeling (thanks for the heads up, Roland). There simply are no words to describe my feelings about the way this has been handled, and is *being* handled as of 80- some days away!

We NOW have a person in *our* Whitehouse who has publicly admitted to having surrounded himself with cute, harmless Y2K "Beanie Babies" to help remind him of it. (I'd like to grease them up with Vaseline and put them someplace "unforgettable". Watch him waddling around like a constipated owl) The man has completely lost his friggin' mind. He's not sane. His remarks resemble those of a drunk, stumbling out of a bar. There is absolutely no doubt that he will have damaged my country beyond repair. He requires the 'soap in a sock' treatment, before they blindfold him.

What a freak show. I could not possibly distance myself enough from this clown without leaving the planet. This whole thing is beyond belief. Incredible. The fact that he has never experienced an attempt on his life speaks volumes as well.

I see flames on the horizon of this country...........

-- Will continue (, October 11, 1999.


-- y2k dave (, October 11, 1999.

wow cherri--how did you do that? you just sent my brain into total lock up this morning with that statement. i can't even begin to unravel it. the only other time i have experienced this is when i encountered a statistical problem that was a half a page with a square root over it. woah. so are you agin' it or fer it?

-- tt (, October 11, 1999.


Remember, that although there can not be a square root of a negitive number, they are used in calculations where they are removed from both sides of an equasion when you are coming up with an answer.

-- Cherri (, October 11, 1999.

Will C. - I'd be laffin a lot harder if it weren't so true. Yep - flames on the way ...

-- Dan G (, October 11, 1999.

Roland & Will Continue,

Please give URL for said post/thread re: Clinton's latest Y2K remarks + beanie babies -- say what?

We've been gone and *must* read, sounds weird.

-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (, October 11, 1999.


One thing I really like about Paul Milne is it is easy to comprehend his message.

No matter how far he roams around the page, his message is always crystal clear.


BTW Cherri, you keep trying to communicate between the lines.

This technique obscures the meaning of your words.


-- no talking please (, October 11, 1999.


nuclear war: get over it.

I was a child in the 80's. Im 27 years old now. One thing I learned in all these years, and all those NIGHTMARES i had about nuclear war when i was a child (mainly because i stayed up to watch "The Day After"..... YOU CANNOT WORRY ABOUT NUCLEAR WAR!

you have no more contrl over nuclear war than you do over an earthquake.....SO GET OVER IT!

I had nightmares and anxiety about that crap for years as a ive decided that if a bomb goes off, I only hope im close to a primary target so i can be vaporized....ill be damned if i want to try to "survive" a nuclear attack.

Anyway...the point im making is...prepare for what you can....and let the other stuff slide....all you will do is cause yourself anguish, and all the physical effects that come with it.

*If* the US ever does go to war...i hope we just attacked instead of rather fight until i die, then get vaporized in less that a second...

Thats just my preference.

-- Cory Hill (, October 11, 1999.

Hey Cory, Not a bad Idea, but I have a slight improvement on it. Make sure, (if you have enuff warning) to be wearing all black, shirt, pants, gloves et al. Position yourself facing the blast area against a Gar-ron-teed to survive solid object, extend a pair of 'birds' and *FLASH*!!! Instant fotomat for the ages to see your attitude towards the world!!! (For those of you who don't understand this, at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, people "vaped" wearing dark clothes left a 'shodowprint' of themselves on walls, streets ectectect)

-- Billy Boy (, October 11, 1999.


Ditto A&L's request for the URL; I missed it, too.

Cherri, I find it exceedingly difficult to take seriously advice from someone who can't spell "negative" and "equation."

-- Vic (, October 11, 1999.

Cherri: I just have one question:

What are you smoking and do you have any left?

Thank you.

-- Preparing (, October 11, 1999.

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