Read photos back to removeable media? Macintosh OS : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I would like to know if any of the various digital camera storage media allow the ability to load photos back onto their blank (or partially used) storage cards. I would consider using compactflash (ex: Nikon), Smartmedia (ex: Olympus) or floppy disk storage (ex: Sony Mavica). What I want to do is make sets of photos I can take with me to show right from the LCD of the camera. In other words, I envision taking photos, modifying them in Photoshop, picking and choosing sets of modified photos, and re-storing them to the removeable media. Is any or all of this possible? Also, are there any glitches to be mindful of when using any of the above-mentioned brand names with the Mac OS? I appreciate any insights you may offer.

-- B. Marino (, October 09, 1999


SmartMedia allows uploading JPG files from your hard drive to the card. For my Oly C-2000 I use a PCMCIA adapter which makes a SmarMedia card look just like just another hard drive to your system, so you can drag and drop files to or from the card. Not sure that showing photos on a tiny camera display is of much use though... why not print them.. even if only 2X3 this would be much better than displaying on camera...


-- Frank Dittmann (, October 12, 1999.

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