The Froup...what's up? : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
I've seen "the froup" referred to several times on this discussion board. Not being too internet-savvy, I don't know what this means. Is it a usenet group? If so, how do I get on? (And you can stop laughing.)
-- bret (, October 08, 1999
'Froup' is a contraction of the Usenet term 'newsfroup,' which started life as a typo and is now in regular usage all over Usenet. In this particular case, froup refers specifically to the newsgroup that gives this site its name; specifically, Your best bet would be to find a news reader (ask your ISP, don't use Netscape, IE, or Outlook Express) and subscribe to it. There are many resources out there that discuss how to subscribe to newsgroups; a quick trip to Yahoo, Google, or any decent search engine or catalog will return plenty.
-- Mike Sugimoto (, October 08, 1999.