Digital-Filmmaking Magazine needs your : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
Digital-Filmmaking Magazine in just a few months away from shipping the premier issue. To get a better understanding of our future readers, we are asking those intereseted to fill out an on-line survey. For filling out this survey, we will ship you a copy of the premier issue.Please go to and fill out the survey.
We also have a DV production list. This is at
If you want to be added to the list e-mail me at with the infomation contained in the list.
Thank you
-- Thomas Koch (, October 08, 1999
We had a failure with our survey today. Any survey submitted before 10:00pm Friday October 8th did not go through. We appologize for any inconviences this may have caused. We have also added a few questions to the survey. Please take a moment to fill it out for us. You will get a better magazine and a free copy for your efforts. The address is, we apologize for an inconviences this may have caused.
Thank you
-- Thomas Koch (, October 08, 1999.