Executive orders go too far? Sen. Hatch speaks out against Clinton's 'Stroke of the pen'

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Executive orders go too far? Sen. Hatch speaks out against Clinton's 'Stroke of the pen'

By David M. Bresnahan

) 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

President Bill Clinton has gone too far, according to one senator. He writes law whenever he wants, circumventing Congress in the process. In a personal interview with WorldNetDaily, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, expressed his belief that the extensive number of executive orders issued by President Clinton are unconstitutional.

Although he agreed that many presidents have issued a large number of executive orders, Sen. Hatch complained that the ones issued by President Clinton create law, while circumventing the legislative process. He said a legal challenge should be made to stop the practice and reverse some of the orders.

"Well, a huge number of his executive orders are excessive and unwise," Sen. Hatch explained to WorldNetDaily.

"Under the Constitution, the president has the right to issue executive orders, but they have to be tested in court if you want to prove that they are excessive or unwise. You know, Reagan issued a lot of executive orders too, but they were not like these. In other words, they didn't make laws all the time. I think many of his (Clinton's) could be found unconstitutional," said Hatch, himself a presidential candidate.

"Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kind of cool," was the statement made by White House communications counsel Paul Begala in July 1998. He was talking about the ease with which President Clinton was able to create law virtually unchallenged using executive orders and presidential directives.

The ability to make law as a dictator without the normal checks and balances of the U.S. Constitution is what Sen. Hatch was complaining about. Congress has the exclusive function of lawmaking, but presidents have taken some of that power, and Congress has not done anything to prevent it.

Presidential executive orders and directives were initially intended to be a means for the efficient operation of the executive branch, according to Sen. Hatch. Now, through craftiness and political intimidation, Clinton has avoided the Congress and creates law with the "stroke of the pen."

Presidents have always been granted broad discretion when it comes to matters of national security. Along with that comes secrecy. The courts and Congress have not objected. Secrecy is considered to be a vital part of national security. For a president who is abusive of his power and authority, this provides the perfect excuse to classify as secret any executive order or directive that he does not wish to have scrutinized.

The Congress has no idea what is actually contained in classified documents, and therefore there is absolutely no oversight or accountability. The potential for abuse is enormous, and it could be undetected for many years. Each presidential abuse of power leads to more when a president discovers he can create any law he wants with the "stroke of the pen."

The topics of national security, national emergency, and top-secret classification all came into play when President Clinton signed Presidential Decision Directive 25 in 1994. That document has been requested by numerous members of Congress, and all have been turned down.

All that is available is an executive summary. Excluded from the summary is the portion which sources claim describes the use of the U.S. military as a domestic police force during a national emergency. More than one source familiar with the actual document has independently confirmed the claims.

The executive summary also makes clear that the U.S. can place military forces under the command of a foreign commander as part of a United Nations peace force. PDD 25 is said to specifically permit a foreign commander to rule over U.S. troops, even on U.S. soil, "when doing so serves American security interests," according to one military source.

It appears that President Clinton took a major step in his grab for power on Dec. 10, 1998, when he enacted Executive Order 13107 at a time when Congress was out of town and unlikely to take action or even notice. That order gives the president the ability to enact treaties without the constitutional requirement of Senate ratification with a two-thirds majority vote.

EO 13107 could be argued as justification for the president to implement U.N. treaties without approval of the Senate, which literally dissolves the sovereignty of the U.S. It sets up the Interagency Working Group to oversee legislation proposed by the president to make sure it is in conformity with U.N. initiatives, handle public relations to educate the public about such issues, and evaluate future needs in order to comply with U.N. human rights initiatives.

President Clinton laughed when he learned the nation's governors and mayors objected to Executive Order 13083 on federalism. States' rights were being attacked, and they rallied to the cause. President Clinton appeared to back down when he agreed to suspend the order, but he knew that all he had to do to reactivate it would be to sign another piece of paper. The apparent capitulation by the president caused the governors to ease pressure on him, but according to Sen. Hatch, the president recently reissued the order in a reworded form that is just as dangerous.

Asked if there is still a problem with federal vs. states' rights Sen. Hatch said, "Yes we do, but they've been making headway." WorldNetDaily recently published a description of the new version of the Executive Order on Federalism.

President Clinton does not hesitate to write law wherever he sees fit. When Congress did not take the action the president wanted on the tobacco issue, he quickly signed an executive order in 1995 which declared nicotine to be an addictive drug and authorized the Food and Drug Administration to establish regulations.

In the same year he signed an executive order to financially bail out the country of Mexico. Congress saw fit to make a few speeches in opposition to the move, but no effort was made to stop him. The actions illustrate Clinton's willingness to circumvent Congress and the legislative process whenever he wishes. "Stroke of the pen. ..."

David M. Bresnahan is a staff writer for WorldNetDaily.com, is the author of a new report on Y2K, the book "Cover Up: The Art and Science of Political Deception," and offers a monthly newsletter "Talk USA Investigative Reports." He may be reached through email and also maintains an archive of his work.

-- Uncle Bob (UNCLB0B@Y2KOK.ORG), October 07, 1999


I'm usually a non-alarmist, one against the blathering of NWO, martial law etc....I CAN'T STAND those types, but these words worry me now:

The Congress has no idea what is actually contained in classified documents......The topics of national security, national emergency......That document has been requested by numerous members of Congress, and all have been turned down....Excluded from the summary is the portion which sources claim describes the use of the U.S. military as a domestic police force during a national emergency.....PDD 25 is said to specifically permit a foreign commander to rule over U.S. troops, even on U.S. soil....EO 13107 could be argued as justification for the president to implement U.N. treaties without approval of the Senate....

After reading this I Literally said allowed....OH SH*T

Many kudos to World Net Daily for this, now THAT is reporting.

-- Now I GI (Oncea@lurker.com), October 07, 1999.

Uncle Bob, Thanks for the post. I've read a lot on this site about Clinton and his EOs. But for some reason this one scares the hell out of me. I'm going to cut and paste the body of this message and send it to my congressman with comments. I would recommend others doing the same. There is a very dangerous person in the White House.

-- (rcarver@inacom.com), October 07, 1999.

The good Senator failed to mention that Congress generally has 60 days to override these E.O.'s before they become law...something that they virtually NEVER do. Why is that, Senator?

-- Don Wegner (donfmwyo@earthlink.net), October 07, 1999.

Now I GI,

Sorry about my previous blathering - I'm one of "those types."

Btw: are you aware that to anyone who hasn't GI, you are now "blathering" full-on? Ironic, ain't it?

Anyway, welcome to the club, and keep reading and sharing.


-- Liberty (liberty@theready.now), October 07, 1999.


One word:


The Whitehouse knows how every member of Congress and Senate cleans their naval lint, and with whom. They're a juggarnaut.

This is real "Annals of Imperial Rome"-type stuff. I hope somebody is taking good notes, so that after we clean up this mess, it's at least a few thousand years before we let it happen again.


-- Liberty (liberty@theready.now), October 07, 1999.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all
modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control
the communication media. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all
electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all
food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians
into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all
health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate
a national registration of all persons.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all
airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority
to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds,
designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over
railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office
of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all
Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international
tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of
Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to
institute industrial support, to establish judicial and
legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and
correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

-- spider (spider0@usa.net), October 07, 1999.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and granted the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry. Many of the figures in the Iran-Contra scandal were part of this emergency contingent, including Marine Colonel Oliver North.

-- spider (spider0@usa.net), October 07, 1999.

On June 3, 1994, President Clinton signed Executive Order #12919 gathering together into a single document all the power and authority of a multitude of Executive Orders issued by preceding presidents from John Kennedy on. Recent examination of this Executive Order has brought to light that the consolidation of previous presidential orders deliver unprecedented authority into the hands of the Chief Executive that exceed those powers granted him under the U.S. Constitution.

-- spider (spider0@usa.net), October 07, 1999.

Senator Hatch, I salute you. Finally after all these years, ONE Senator has the courage to take a stand on this issue. Until this happened, many people thought that Congress was totally inneffectual and could pack up and go home with no big loss. Are Congress and the Courts asleep? What happens, if the President tries to enforce one of these executive orders and the Military ignores him? What if the communications break down so badly that the orders do not get through? We live in interesting times. What ever happened to Michael New, the soldier who refused to salute the UN flag? Another rare hero. Come on ALGORE, this is your chance to take a stand and distance yourself from the Pres. You have nothing to lose and may even get some votes for your courage.

-- Ray (Ray@amazed.gum), October 07, 1999.


I suspect that our news media is under some sort of Exective Order Gag Rule right now. Or they are asleep.

These Executive Orders would have given Patrick Henry heartburn or worse.

I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.


-- should we try to wake them (they.seem.so@happy.when.they.are.sleeping.!!!), October 08, 1999.


I respect Michael New for the stand he took. Last I heard he was back home (about 30 miles from me in Conroe, Texas). Unfortunately he ran into some legal troubles a while back. It was in the local papers but I can't remember exactly what happened so it's best that I don't try to say.

-- NokternL (nokternl@anywhereusa.com), October 08, 1999.

I read somewhere that the prez ordered that the database for tracking down 'deadbeat dads' be "expanded to include all information on all US citizens".

Ever see a story on this order to "expand" the data collection?

I think the law is 42 USC 666.

-- should we try to wake them (they.seem.so@happy.when.they.are.sleeping.!!!), October 08, 1999.

Come on ALGORE, this is your chance to take a stand and distance yourself from the Pres. You have nothing to lose and may even get some votes for your courage.

-- Ray (Ray@amazed.gum), October 07, 1999

Ray, Ray, Ray, Ray........

Uh.... Let me clue you in. Al Gore is one of "their" androids.

-- the Virginian (ALGORE?@Unbelievable.Unbelievable), October 08, 1999.

Let us hope that Senator Hatch gets enough positive feedback from all of us on this forum and throughout the country, to spur him on and encourage him to not be deterred from pursuing this to the limit. How badly we need this sort of honesty and courage in our leaders! I was beginning to think we had no more heroes! It is imperative that action be taken before 12/31/99, when those EOs could be put in effect.

-- Elaine Seavey (Gods1sheep@aol.com), October 08, 1999.

In past looks at the E.O.s and what happens if the President declares a National Emergency , Ive also found that often the PDDs which are classified, like PDD #25, have snippets on what theyre about in some of Clintons speechs made... especially to military audiences.


Search the White House web site for:

Contents of This Web Site: All the web pages on this site (www.whitehouse.gov)...

http://www.whitehouse.gov/ search

Archive of All White House Documents (Press briefings, radio addresses, Executive Orders, and all other publicly released White House publications.)...

http:// www.pub.whitehouse.gov/search/everything.html

Executive Orders: Official actions, procedural changes, and organizational changes...


-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), October 08, 1999.

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