which is better? Broadway vcd or Lsx vcd.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am now using Broadway Card to capture video & encode Vcd mpeg. Before I decide to get a LSX software encoder, I would like to know whether there is any quality improvement to switch from Broadway Hardware encoding to LSX software encoding, ignoring about the speed. Can some one who has experience in these two encoding software to make VCD, Please enlighten me.

Thanks, regards

-- Thomas Lim (lzhenyu@singnet.com.sg), October 06, 1999


My own experience, LSX is much better. but hard to tweak to make it compliant to VCD. I have used both products before.

-- Rusman Priyana (priyana@eudoramail.com), October 26, 1999.

I use the LXI to encode from my AVI video file but the video quality very poor, I don't know if my computer is a matter in this case. my computer is PII-233MHZ I use the Miro DC30+ with best video quality I ever had but after I convert to VCD format the video quality is junk. I thought broadway is much better because I got the demo file from broadway and I burn them to VCD and quality very good. Right now I got the DVMPEG encoder it easy to encode but quality very poor.. YOu can download the LXI trial version to test it yourself...


-- Todd (vanna_k@hotmail.com), February 03, 2000.

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