A Sad Lament for the stinking rotten REDS!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

As of tonight, October 4th, I officially withdraw any support of the Cincinnati Reds. They have been able to consistently show that the only thing they are good at is choking in games that really matter. So I have opted for utter failure and am now a Chicago Cubs fan until further notice. (Most likely though, I will seriously re-examine my position at the start of the 2000 baseball season.) Until then, GO CUBBIES!

-- Anonymous, October 04, 1999


Come On Michael.....Give them a break.

A bunch of young guys....with the lowest salaries in MLB. They were playing for "luv of da game."

I thought they did great!!!

"Choked" is an understatement.....but....at least they don't have to pay them more next year!!! Ha!!!

I think they will be tougher next year. They really did surprise everyone this year in how well they played.

Hey....where I'm at now.....I gotta be a Reds fan....and a "Wildcats" Basketball fan.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999

Bro. Danny: I haven't always agreed with you, but when you mention "Wildcats" as the team to "be for" you have redeemed yourself. I bleed Wildcat Blue. I am getting misty just thinking about it. I hear choirs of angels gently singing "My Old Kentucky Home." Just think, God made the world, He redeemed us through His Son and He blessed us with University of Kentucky basketball. Oh, those poor deluded infidels (and Hoosier fans.)

-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999

Here's a thought ... if God isn't a Kentucky Wildcat fan, then why did He create the sky to be blue and white?!?!?!?!?!?!


Darrell (Big Blue) Combs

-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999

I had free tickets to attend a Kentucky Wildcats game. But I didn't go. There were too many denominational people there.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 1999

C'mon guys, I tho't this was supposed 2 B a forum on spiritual matters. Obviously some of you aren't mature enough to PERSEVERE or be PATIENT where the REDS are concerned, OR for the fact that BASKETBALL SEASON is still a MONTH away. When you've lived in the bowels of the South as long as I have you learn to appreciate how good it is near Reds baseball & UK basketball!!! I just want to remind all of you that the Reds & Braves have won exactly the same number of World Series in the '90's--ONE! And KY is still the King of the hardwood! The SPIRIT of ADOLPH still permeates Rupp Arena & will until the Lord returns. There, that's more spiritual! Go 'CATS! GO REDS!

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

Very interesting ... I accidently cut myself the other day ... and I bled blue! Ron ... you'd understand that, I'm sure!

Darrell H Combs

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

>>"And KY is still the King of the hardwood! The SPIRIT of ADOLPH >>still permeates Rupp Arena & will until the Lord returns. There, >>that's more spiritual! Go 'CATS!"

"Course, a different view is generally taken down here in the Triangle area of North Carolina, where it was made clear that KU basketball and the good Mr. Rupp are, at best, second-best.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

HA! Go Yankees!!!!! The North burned Atlanta yet again!!!!! what a sweep! KRC :)

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

And to that, may I simply reply, "Amen, and may it ever be, world without end."

I'm a Cardinal man, myself.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

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