Are we guilty of teaching that confession is reactive instead of proactive? : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

I've had to ask myself this question from time to time. I wonder if we find ourselves falling into the trap of teaching that confession is reactive. "Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God?" Of course, people react to the question. And well they should. But I wonder if we (too often), for whatever the reason, forget to or don't teach that confession is to be proactive. Are we not to be at the forefront of life, declaring Jesus to be the Christ the Son of the living God rather than waiting to be asked? I ask this question because, I have run into far too many Christians who hesitate in their understanding of a proactive type confession. It appears that we could be more consistent and direct in our teaching. In other words, should we not use the word 'confession' as we teach that each Christian carries the responsibility of telling others the Gospel? And just for the fun of it; would this be a better word to use than witnessing? Keep preaching the Word! Dave

-- Anonymous, October 04, 1999

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