What Two-way Radios for serious mountaineering?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

What do you recommend for mountaineering radios? I'm looking a CB versus the new "FRS" -- most of my climbing is on the 14-ers in Colorado and the Presidential range in New Hampshire with the hope of getting to Denali in March. Cobra has a small new 45WX CB with 10 weather channels (supposed to be one of the smallest around). The FRS are much smaller, but I'm wondering if they have enough range (2 miles). I'm thinking the CB might be more useful in that more people have them and it has 10 weather channels? Any ideas? Thanks.

-- Sydney Cleveland (SCleveland@TCON.NET), September 28, 1999


I had the exact same thought (a CB child of the 70s). I tried the Cobra but had terrible luck with both range and clarity. I went with the FRS-250s by Motorola and couldn't be happier.

-- Ron Smudz (rsmudz@logicon.com), June 06, 2000.

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