Laser Disc : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I always go to karoake places and bring my Laser Disc, but the laser disc is to big. How can i transfer the LD to VCD? I already have a yamaha 4416S burner im my PC.

Thanks, Manny

-- Manny Liquigan (, September 25, 1999


You can start by digging and delving into all of the items and threads past and present in this forum. Come on.

-- EMartinez (, September 26, 1999.


If all you have now is just a CD-R burner, it seems to me that it is going to be a very, very long 'haul' to when you will succesfully create mpeg1 files from a LD and to then burning them successfully into a playable VCD.

When you start reading the other threads on this subject, you will come across lots of 'bald-headed' fellas who have been tearing their hairs off (out of frustrations) for many years trying to achieve what you are presently contemplating.

Or you can keep your hair intact by trying the following:

1) Search the Asian stores and street markets, you will most likely find VCDs which are already copies or contain copies from your favorite LDs and sell for a fraction of the cost then you can do it yourself.

2) Karaoke lounges do not provide VCD players for you to sing to VCDs (not that I know of anyway). So you will still have to bring your own favourite LDs.

3) You can only sing to Karaoke VCDs in your own or your friends houses. But you will find your singing qualities excels only with LDs.

-- TOMO (, September 28, 1999.

I use a video spinx for recaptureing the lazor does the job nicely. but it take about 3 hour's to produce 1 vcd with the editing involed

-- romripp (, May 25, 2000.

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