Filters and DV : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

Does anybody have any insight on a filter configuration that could help DV emulate film

-- Jon (, September 23, 1999


I am curious myself to try just a Black Pro Mist 1, it would give it a nice soft look i think

-- jethro (, September 25, 1999.

I've read (but not tried it yet as my camera is still in the mail) that using Christian Dior Diorissimo No. 4443 panty hose over the lens creates the same effect as the black mist lenses at a fraction of the price and some say that it even looks better!

-- Christian A. Fabian (, May 04, 2000.

I have been using the XL1 to shoot many TV commercials and have come up with a little system that has made people say"thats video????" BLACK PROMIST 1/8 to 1/4. It makes the skintones sing, so creamy and smooth, you are not seeing ever little pore. Also, what is key is to really try to control the range of lighting you are seeing in the frame. If you are shooting a person exterior be SURE yu are not blowing out ANY of the skin, this will make the final result look SO video and because there is NO information on that area of tape, you can do NOTHING about it. USE ZEBRA!!! AND, use the POLA filter every chance you get, its GORGEOUS.

-- michelle mccabe (, September 07, 2000.

Try the Cokin Sunsoft filter. I think is the best diffuser that emulates film. It is way cheaper than the TiffenB4s filter. Oscar

-- Oscar Jesurum (, October 26, 2000.

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