New Listserver for DV Doc and Movie Makers : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

I would like to invite anyone who is interested in shooting documentaries and movies with their dv cameras to subscribe to a new ONElist email community, dvdirector. The mission of this listserver is explained below.

You can join the listserver by selecting the following link and then selecting "join community".

Hello, fellow dv enthusiast, and welcome to the dvdirector list:

dvdirector is a new list that will hopefully become a fount of information and a comfortable place where members can talk about what they're interested in: making quality dv documentaries and movies with the amazing dv cameras that are now available.

The following are examples of appropriate topics: lighting, 16:9, progressive scan mode, manual lenses, focusing techniques, depth of field, scouting for locations, audio, tips and tricks, camera settings, jibs, tripods, dollies, Steadycams, shooting schedule, who does what, syncing audio to video, working with actors, being the director, story boards, script writing, improvisational scripts, multi camera shoots...well, you get the idea.

This list encourages input from beginners and experts alike. Please feel free to ask your questions and give your advise and opinions on related topics. This is not a place to argue about which dv camera, NLE system or capture card is the best. We also try to stay away from computer questions that tend to bog down other lists.

The guidelines are simple: Stay on topic and don't be rude. If you are rude, or have a hard time staying on topic, you will be removed from the list.

Happy shooting (with a camera that is),

Daniel Worley fellow dv enthusiast

Doing for others is more satisfactory and long lasting than doing for yourself.

-- Daniel Worley (, September 23, 1999

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