Beginning SQL Server 6.5 : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
Eric, I am a LAN Systems Administrator that just got volunteered to be the "Guru" for a SQL Server 6.5 based bar code project. I really don't mind but I am needing to become proficient ASAP. What steps, progams, classes, home study work etc. would you recommend to help me accomplish this? I am comfortable with simple Access '97 databases as well as basic VB 5.0 and C++. I have had no real exposure to SQL language. Any advise/information will be greatly appreciated.Rich (
-- Anonymous, September 22, 1999
Richard,I like instructor led classes.
The courses that would be best for you at this point would be System Administration of Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 (MS-867), Implementing a Database Design on Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 (MS-750), and, if you are a fast learner or feel that you already know some of the material, Accelerated Training for Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 System Administration and Implementation (MS-933).
My local Microsoft instruction vendor has the classes listed and described at: When you get there, click on "Instructor Led Courses", then click the "here" link. You, of course, will need to find instruction where you are, but the course content should be the same.
To hone your skills as a "Guru" you are welcome to visit this forum and add your answers to the questions that come up.
Hope this helps,
-- Anonymous, September 23, 1999