Need confirmation: 'full military incursion' into NYC? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Here's the story, for which I'm looking for confirmation from New York National Guard members/associates.

A sober, upright friend who is a Silicon Valley mini-gazillionaire told me of a conversation on a plane. He rides first class, of course.

Seems his recent seatmate works for a large disaster-recovery firm and is currently contracted to the NYC gov't for y2k planning. He says that the City gov't is planning to roll in the National Guard troops about 12/28/99 for 10 days to 2 weeks. My friend used the phrase 'full military incursion', but I'm not sure that came from the source.

ANY NY NAT'L GUARDSMEN LURKING? What do you hear? Any hint of a callup?

I'm reeling at the implications here. This could mean: 1) the City gov't is so worried about (or certain of) a power failure and associated looting that they are willing to go to the expense of a NG callup and deployment. 2) They have information about other failures, like water or banking, that would require massive crowd control. 3) They have intelligence regarding terrorism and are preparing damage control.

Speculation is mighty fun, as usual, but how about some info? Guardsmen?

-- Brady (, September 22, 1999



Think about option three.

New York City is the financial mecca of the world.


-- no talking please (, September 22, 1999.

Stories like these are beginning to mount. I have no facts to offer, but here are my thoughts.

Don't be surprised when no Guardsmen post with confirmation. They are just regular people and there is no way they are going to be "in the loop" until the last minute. When they are called up, they will be told it is as a precaution against drunken party-goers in any given city. The big question is: Will the Guard show up?

-- semper paratus (, September 22, 1999.

Since this is a thread about NG Y2K rumors, I'll add mine.

A very good friend of mine told me recently that he spoke with his son-in-law's business partner (who is a weekend warrior) about Y2K. He wanted to get a feel for what our state's NG is planning for the rollover.

The NG officer said that they had been told to be available on 12/31/99 for call-up, and to make sure that they had not been drinking or partying. Their deployment was certain, only the scope was in question. He went on to say that if things got very bad, they had contingency plans to go house to house and round up firearms and "hoarded" food.

My friend's honesty is not questionable, but I don't know how truthful his source was being. I believe it's certainly worth considering, though...

-- Nabi (, September 22, 1999.

While I don't have any info on the subject, after reading the many posts concerning martial law today, I certainily think that NYC poses a "challenge" in that regard. It certainly would take a "full" military incursion to keep NYC in check. If y2k disruptions are severe and there are widespread shortages, rioting and things really get desperate, then I doubt the guard would be able to hold it all together. There are just too many people piled up in one area. Furthermore, I can not phathom the amount of illegal firepower that there must be in NYC. There are some neighborhoods in NYC you would not go into without a bullet proof vest and the NG don't wear bullet proof vests (they wear frag vests which stop shrapnel but not small arms fire).

-- Kevlar (squeeze@triggerslowly.-), September 22, 1999.

House to house in NYC? I don't think so. I live in a complex with 100 12 floor buildings. Obviously not high rises, but kind of problematic for those going door to door. How about the high rises? I have doubts of the strongest nature... These sound like rumours of the stupidest sort to me. Of course the guard will be on the alert--maybe even called up. But house to house? Especilally if there are eoutages? Hahahahahhahaha.

-- Mara Wayne (, September 22, 1999.

Remember just a few buildings in Waco provided quite the "challenge!"

-- (, September 22, 1999.

Remember the guy who was talking about the military's CP to neutron bomb the major pop centers? This was on csy2k about two years ago for those who want to search.

-- Mitchell Barnes (, September 22, 1999.


I'm not located in NYC, and I wasn't referring to NYC in my post. I'm sorry if that wasn't spelled out clearly enough for you. In my neck of the woods, house to house searches would be possible (although they would likely be expensive in terms of casualties). I'm sorry if you think this is a rumor of the "stupidest sort." In the future, I'll make a more concerted attempt not to offend your sensibilities.

-- Nabi (, September 22, 1999.

Let the 'flames' be to you like water off a duck's back.

Those who appreciate the post, though far outnumbering the flamers, will mostly give only silent appreciation.

-- TrustHim (ItComes@Soon.Now), September 22, 1999.


I guess that NYC is full of those 12 storey buildings. I used to pass a cluster (LEFRAK CITY) in Queens as I sped East on the Long Island and the BQE. Brings back fond memories of a misspent youth!

I've been thinking a lot about NYC and Y2K recently as I have relatives in Forest Hills and in Flushing.

Since this post is about the NG possibly going door to door, I am reminded of a non Y2K computer incident that should have tipped me off about Y2K. When I first moved to the City, I registered my long guns with the newly created Firearms Control Board. Initally, it was a completely paper system. Within the next three years, the FCB computerized its files. Unbeknownst to me, the software SHUFFLED the Data Base. When it was time to renew, I received computer printed certificates for the wrong firearms. When I went down to the office to inquire (you don't 'complain' to these types) one of the bureaucrats 'lost it'. He began SCREAMING Compooters, compooters, AAARRRRRGGGGGHHH!!!! He actually had to be restrained by the resident Detective pending a call to Bellvue. It was unbelievable.

Here's hoping that Data Bases don't get SHUFFLED too badly by Y2K!

-- K. Stevens (kstevens@ It's ALL going away in, September 22, 1999.

I have friends in the National Guard and I remember them telling me that more guardsmen than usual would be going down to New York City this year to help the city with a increased amount of people that would be in Times Square.

Most from what I gathered would just be people from downstate(since Im upstate) and most guys are going to be on call in status as they usually are at any time.

Hopefully this can clear up any rumors.

-- Pat (, September 22, 1999.

I was in NYC in 77' the summer of the big blackout. Now, NG or not, I wouldn't have much faith in the city being able to respond to a riot situation. They may be good at rescue (ie: World Trade Center Bombing) in an isolated event. But I suspect there might be a tidal wave of trouble they won't have the ability to repond to. FWIW. Get out before the clock strikes twelve folks.

-- Gia (, September 23, 1999.


"I live in a complex with 100 12 floor buildings"

They may not need to search every single unit, but how many doors does each building have to the outside world? I'd be willing to bet you'll need to pass through a checkpoint and possible search everday when you leave to go to work. If you can still go to work.

-- @ (@@@.@), September 23, 1999.

Regarding the question of NG troops going house to house in search of excess weapons and food, I hate to sound like a polly or worse but it may be that the idea is keep neighbors with guns from attacking neighbors with food and a lot of people getting shot from fights over food. If the population is disarmed and can only get food from a distribution center, there would be no reason for someone to attack someone else for their food. My conclusion from this theory? Be nice to any NG troops knocking on your door,perhaps give them some token items, and keep your stash of weapons and food well-hidden.

-- Stanley Lucas (, September 23, 1999.


I too was in NYC in '77. We were living in the only Borough that was quiet at an apartment (2 storeys) complex. It was hot and humid with naturally no Air Conditioning. At about 11PM, the Lifeguard was good and drunk, and opened the pool. He used a bullhorn to scream "Everybody in the pool!!" ...very much against the rules! We were joined by neighbors from private houses in the area, and just partied down as best we could.

From the pool, the sky glow from the remaining four burnung boroughs became VERY sobering after a while. At first, we didn't notice. Then the glow increased and soon the sky was lit from due North to due East.

Staten Island was a world apart!

-- K. Stevens (kstevens@ It's ALL going away in, September 23, 1999.

The primary function of the NG or DoD during such an event (martial law) is to protect gov't and state facilities (i.e., courts, banks, police stations, firehouses, etc.) That would be their primary mission if brought into NYC (which is where I'm sittin' right now).

-- Tuan Cu Mhara (Strider, September 23, 1999.

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