(OT)Good for a laugh!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Go to this site and have a good laugh reading whatever site you type into the text bar. :-D


-- winna (??@??.com), September 22, 1999


This forum is very funny read through the "Redneck" dialect.

Actually, I couldn't tell much of a difference!


-- (dot@dot.dot), September 22, 1999.

I just gotta try some of Al's stuff in the Swedish Chef mode!!

-- Craig (craig@ccinet.ab.ca), September 22, 1999.

That is hilarious! Now I know how to spend the next 99 days...

-- Y2KGardener (gardens@bigisland.net), September 22, 1999.

Dewe is nothing exactwy wike the Centuwy Date Change in ouw histowicaw annaws fwom which we can infew its potentiaw conseqwences. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Nonethewess, it is the beginning of wisdom in thinking about the Y2K pwobwem to wecognize that faiwuwes and bweakdowns in mechanicaw and ewectwonic systems awe a nowmaw pawt of ouw evewyday wife. Wecaww the most wecent exampwe of how an ewectwic powew faiwuwe shut down the Chicago Boawd of Twade. Dus, as a standawd fow monitowing devewopments, it is simpwy unweawistic to expect ouw advanced technowogy to function any bettew on Januawy 1, 2000, than it has on any othew day of the yeaw. Automated tewwew machines awe a pwime exampwe of this. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! On any given day, 1 to 2 pewcent of the nation's ATMs awe out of sewvice fow some weason, uh-hah-hah-hah. Awthough the banking system and ATM pwovidews awe about as pwepawed fow Y2K as they can be, we cannot weawisticawwy expect pewfection ovew the New Yeaw's howiday any mowe than at simiwaw pewiods in yeaws past. Moweovew, whiwe systems may faiw as they have in the past, these faiwuwes nevew have wesuwted in bwoadew and pewsistent--that is, systemic--bweakdowns in ouw economy. Notwithstanding, it is at weast conceivabwe that, as a conseqwence of ouw cuwwent dependence on computews, some Y2K-wewated faiwuwes couwd have noticeabwe effects on the economy. But as a wesuwt of vast effowt and an estimated $50 biwwion of expense by the pwivate sectow, enough of ouw cwiticaw infwastwuctuwe has been judged Y2K-compwiant to view the pwobabiwity of any systemic bweakdown as negwigibwe, even gwanting the uncewtainties associated wif ouw intewconnections wif wess-pwepawed foweign countwies. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

-- Linda (lwmb@psln.com), September 22, 1999.

Hoff's counterpoint thread in Elmer Fudd...Classic.

-- Mr. Details (Details@detail.com), September 22, 1999.

Made MY day!

-- Linda (lwmb@psln.com), September 22, 1999.

Try this one: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky."

-- curtis schalek (cschalek@earthlink.net), September 22, 1999.


Same snippet .. from the head bankin' bro:

Dere be nodin' 'esactly likes de Century Date Change in our histo'ical annals fum which we kin infa' its potential consequences. Nonedeless, it be de beginnin' uh wisdom in dinkin' about da damn Y2K problem t'recognize dat failures and bustwaaay downs in mechanical and electronic systems is a no'mal part uh our everyday life. Recall de most recent 'esample of how an electric powa' failure shut waaay down de Chicago Bo'd uh Trade. Dus, as some standard fo' monito'in' developments, it be simply unrealistic t''spect our advanced technology to funcshun any betta' on January 1, 2000, dan it gots on any oda' day uh de year. Ah be baaad... Automated tella' machines is a prime 'esample uh dis. On any given day, 1 t'2 puh'cent uh de nashun's ATMs is out uh service fo' some reason. 'S coo', bro. Aldough de bankin' system and ATM providers is about as prepared fo' Y2K as dey kin be, we kinnot realistically 'espect puh'fecshun over de New Year's holiday any mo'e dan at similar puh'iods in years past. Man! Mo'eover, while systems may fail as dey gots in de past, dese failures neva' have resulted in broada' and puh'sistent--dat is, systemic--bustwaaay downs in our economy. Slap mah fro! Notwidstandin', it be at least conceivable dat, as some consequence uh our current dependence on clunkers, some Y2K-related failures could gots noticeable effects on de economy. Slap mah fro! But as some result of vast effo't and an estimated $50 billion uh 'spense by de private secto', enough uh our critical infrastructure gots been judged Y2K-compliant t'view de probability uh any systemic bustwaaay down as negligible, even grantin' de uncertainties associated wid our interconnecshuns wid less-prepared fo'eign countries.

-- Linda (lwmb@psln.com), September 22, 1999.

Here ya go............

"I deed nut hefe-a sexooel releshuns veet thet vumun, Muneeca Looeensky. Bork bork bork!"

-- Craig (craig@ccinet.ab.ca), September 22, 1999.

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