Suggestions for camera : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I have just recently been able to earn around $1200 for the purchase of a digital camera, and I was hoping to get the opinions of everyone around to see what I should buy:Here's what I'm looking's a bit of a list, I don't blame you if you stop reading now hehehe...
* Good picture quality
* Cheap (no more than $15 per Hi8/DV cassette), reuseable film/cassettes that don't lose quality if I choose to rewrite it.
* Manual frame rate and exposure adjustment
* An image stabilizer
* The ability to input/output video and audio to a VCR and a computer (I'll buy the appropriate video card for this purpose)
* Filming in Black and White, Sepia, etc. would be nice as well, I think most do that already.
I've heard Sony fulfills most of these requirements, and at only $880 too! :) In addition, Sony has those new kinds of batteries that you can recharge at any point and it won't lose its full "lifetime".
If anyone knows where I can pick up a camera that can do this stuff, I'm all ears, and indebted to you for taking the time to read this! :)
-- Earl Newton (, September 19, 1999