I live in CT and can't find a fullblood Boer buck to buy nearby

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have two Boer crosses and a dozen dairy goats. I want to buy a fullblood Boer buck that has tested negative for CAE. Or a seller willing to test his buck before a sale. I want this animal now and do not want to buy him sight unseen or from photos from TX, although I thoroughly appreciate the offers. However I cannot locate one. I found one at a fine place in Mass. but would like at least one other to compare him to.

-- Bob Ambrozaitis (rambrozaitis@snet.net), September 16, 1999


I have been connected to good breeders through my county extension agent (I'm in NC). The agency has an ad bulletin at state level, and it is on-line. Why don't you check with yours and surrounding states? Also try the goat circle, you can link to it at www.ONElist.com/community/Holistic-Goats. If the place in Mass is really good they will refer you to other breeders. How is your market for meat goats? I'm hesitant to cross my Nubians because people around here sell brush goats for $10.

-- Kendy Sawyer (sweetfire@grove.net), October 02, 1999.

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