Matrix is release on VCD by WHV in Singapore! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Matrix is release on VCD by WHV in Singapore! I got my at the price of US$12.50

-- Chen (, September 16, 1999


So you got the edited version. Good for you. I would have just waited for the Hong Kong boxed set with free goodies and widescreen presentation.

-- The Lone Ranger (, September 16, 1999.

I got it from my friends who is selling VCD in singapore. He ownd as shop in the airport. Yes the date is 21st but the reseller already have it. It came with a Matrix File Folder 12 x 9. A ver nice picture inside too. By the way Matrix has nothing to censor!

-- Chen (, September 16, 1999.

It is a bootleg. Singapore vers. is in a jewel case only. Malay uses the same one as Singapore copy.

-- Rutger Stevens (, September 16, 1999.

I meant Addtional 12in x 9in files holder 4 section folded to make a files holder with 8 pages of 12" x 9" of matrix pictures!

-- Chen (, September 16, 1999.

Ooh pictures...bah! That is crap. I am getting the DVD version which is far and away better than your VCD.

-- The Lone Ranger (, September 16, 1999.

The VCD version out is edited. It is only 136 minutes long. The full movie is longer. I don't think the real version is out yet. It comes out on DVD on 9/21/99 I pre-ordered mine at for $11.94.

-- Mr.Ian Roswell (, September 16, 1999.

I pre-ordered my DVD from at 12.99. I bought it before offered the 11.99 price. I prefer the DVD version of this but for those of who who do not have DVD. GET THE HONG KONG VERSION. It is going to be in widescreen(a rumor but I hope it is true), have some nifty extras(aside from pictures), and a cool clam shell box.

-- The Lone Ranger (, September 16, 1999.

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