Girl Scout Troop -- 5th and 6th graders : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

I'm a girl scout leader with 14 5th and 6th graders in my troop. We've done a little bit with compass work and have talked about and looked at maps; but we haven't done anything with topo or orienteering maps. Would it be a good idea to bring them to a meet without going to one of the compass workshops? We're considering the Dec 4th and 5th days if we can get space to stay at a girl scout camp with a lodge nearby. We live near Omaha, NE, so it would be a bit of a weekend trip if we go.

Are most of the meets set up with the different level courses so we beginners won't be put to shame by the sprinters and racers who know what they're doing?!


-- Robin Graham (, September 14, 1999



Beginners are always welcome! At every event, there is beginner's instruction (which should be enough to get the girls started) and a beginner's level course. So, if you come down to Kansas City, the troop should be able to participate and have fun.

However: the weekend of Dec.4 and 5 may not be the best weekend to come down. The event on the 4th is fine; the event on the 5th (the Possum Trot)is a special orienteering event of extra long distance and NOT meant for beginners. However, I'm not sure if a beginner's course will be offered on the 5th.

I would suggest that you try to come earlier, for the meet either on October 10 or October 24. Or check out the PTOC schedule on their home page ( for events in the new year.

Hope to see you and the troop in Kansas City soon!

-- mary jones (, September 15, 1999.


Sometimes PTOC offers other courses along with the extra-long Possum Trot event. Does anyone from PTOC know if beginners courses will be available on December 5th?

-- mary jones (, September 15, 1999.

I completely disagree with the answer given above. I think this weekend would be a highly exciting introduction to orienteering with the opportunity for beginners to experience a competetive meet (from a spectator standpoint) while also being exposed to an easy course. My understanding is there will be beginners course both days.

-- Dan (, September 15, 1999.

I don't know if there are beginner's courses on Dec. 5th, but there sure might be, and considering that the other dates mentioned, Oct. 10 and Oct. 24 are only one day each, the Dec. 4-5 weekend sounds like the best option for someone arriving from afar with only one trip to make. There would be beginner's courses on Dec. 4th at least.

Hopefully beginning orienteers feel comfortable with a few better orienteers around. There aren't very many people at local meets anyway. No matter how good at orienteering you become there is always someone better (Bjornar Valstad excepted).

It is important to point out that two clubs are running these, OK and PTOC, with OK responsible only for Dec. 4th. PTOC is a nice club with nice members and quite capable of organizing good orienteering, but as an unconflicted OK member I'll always promote OK.

-- Mook (, September 15, 1999.

Dear Robin,

I am the meet director for the Possum Trot III on December 5, 1999. YES, there will be a beginner course at the meet. You are very welcome to attend our meet. It will be held at Blue and Gray Park in Jackson County, Missouri. Registration begins at 12:00 noon. Keep checking the Possum Trot Orienteering Club web page at:

Email or call me if you have more questions.

Dick Neuburger, 913-888-1528

-- Richard Neuburger (, September 15, 1999.

Thanks all!

We'd love to attend the October dates, but most of the girls are involved in Saturday sports through October. I'm going to try to get my own kids down for one of the Saturdays then, but can't stay Sunday due to work (gosh, that sure interferes with things sometimes!).

I'm going to try to get in touch with the Girl Scout council down there. If they won't let out of state people stay, does anyone know of state parks or other places with cheap lodges we could use for the weekend. Do you have to join the local group to participate in the meet? I'm not about to get involved in ANY discussion between 2 (rival?) groups, so I'll just say I can't wait to see each in action!

One more question for now. We've purchased compasses as the troop had money available. We have enough now for each pair of girls to share a compass. Will that be adequate or should they each have their own at the beginner level?

Thanks again for all the i

-- Robin Graham (, September 15, 1999.

I do not know anything about girl scout activity in the area, but Mike has a friend at work who is a girl scout leader. You do not have to be a member of the local club to compete. Club membership will allow you a nominal discount on the day of the meet. Entry fees are usually just a few bucks per person or group of people (per map?). PTOC also has compasses available for rent at each local meet for a very small fee. The only real problem could be the weather in early December, so once you find lodging come prepared for anything. There is nothing like cold and rain to put a damper on a first "o" experience. Meets are held rain or shine. Can anyone be more specific on fees for the meets?

-- Dan (, September 16, 1999.

Thanks for all the info, everyone. The girl scout councils down there didn't have anything available the weekend of Dec 4, but I think we may be able to get into a heated cabin at a YMCA camp that is near Lawrence. If we get it, we'll be a go for the weekend.

I'm going to take my 2 kids down for the compass clinic and event the weekend of Oct 23 and 24. I'll get an idea then how to prepare my troop for things. Any ideas on how and whether to prepare the girls in my troop ahead of time.

-- Robin Graham (, September 28, 1999.

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