Anyone want to see the latest poll? : LUSENET : I-695 Thirty Dollar License Tab Initiative : One Thread


People are actually MORE IN FAVOR of the popular vote on taxes, than they are on getting rid ov the MVET.

Since I-695 actually deals with two questions, we wondered what would happen if we separated the issues. When asked only about car tabs:  69 percent are in favor of the measure  30 percent are against  1 percent are undecided When asked about a measure only to require a vote on future taxes and fees:  74 percent are in favor  24 percent are against  2 percent are undecided

-- Gary Henriksen (, September 14, 1999


But I thought the elitists were saying that the popular voting requirement was stupid and that this was all about selfish people stealing money from necessary (and noble) government services? Could it be that THEY are the ones who want to thwart the will of the people? Just wondering.

-- Craig Carson (, September 14, 1999.

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