Replication : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
Hello sir,I need your expertise advice. I am encountering a error, which is causing me too much hurdles in proceding for Replication. The error is as follows:
Trying to install replication from Server toolbar gives the following error. "Replication cannot be installed as @@Servername null". I don't understand what does this mean's? I checked my sysservers entry and I can see my server listed in that table.
I am running Windows NT with Service pack 5 and SQL Server 6.5 with Service Pack 5a.
would you anybody help me please.. I have been posting my problem's in this forum and i got very good reply from the master's of SQL Server.
Please advice me..
Many thanks in advance.
-- Anonymous, September 09, 1999
Ayub,Do this:
sp_dropserver YourServerNameHere
then this: sp_addserver YourServerNameHere, LOCAL and finally, cycle the server. To make your life easier make the SQL Server name the same as the computer name it resides on and don't include a dash in the SQL Server name.
Hope this helps,
-- Anonymous, September 10, 1999