Since there's usually very insightul analysis on many subjects on this forum I wanted to bring up the term PSYCHOPOLITICS to see who may have some general knowledge on this subject. The reason I wanted to learn more about this area is that I believe that over the last 30-40 years we've been subjected to a very co-ordinated, effective attack on our national psyche through psychological warfare a.k.a. PSYCHOPOLITICS.

It's pretty obvious that a paradigm shift has occurred in the way we view education, patriotism, homosexuality, abortion,etc. and I think it's not been by accident. Recently, I came across some references to the "COMMUNIST MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE" and was struck by the similarities of what was written decades ago but, seems to happening today.

For example, the manual urges all Marxists to use psychopolitics to their fullest advantage by ....labouring until we have dominion over the minds of every important leader of a nation.....use the courts, use the Constitution of a country, use it's medical societies, and it's laws to further our ends....create a greed for drugs, sexual misbehavior, uncontrolled freedom.... seek to change loyalties of soldiers, statesmen and political to create chaos, LEAVE A NATION LEADERLESS, destroy our enemies through drugs. Then bring to earth through Communism the greatest peace man has ever known.

Given the attitudes and moral depravity that exudes from the Marxist residents of 1600 Penn. Ave. I would say that this manual has been studied and acted upon very effectively. Their "IN YOUR FACE" style of governing this country is pretty apparent to all of us who are paying attention. Any thoughts on this phenomenon called PSYCHOPOLITICS?

-- saveamerica (, September 07, 1999


I'm not familiar with the specific term "PSYCHOPOLITICS", but the net effect is the same. Anyone old enough to remember "the way things were" can see it. The problem is, given enough time, nobody will remember "the way things were".

The method you speak of is obvious to all but the most short-sided. Stand for nothing - fall for anything!

Solution? Treat others as you would have them treat you (unless you like pain).

-- Anonymous99 (, September 07, 1999.

DS, pretty straightforward troll. Are this and the next one down posted from the same URL? Syntax is similar. What is this, another undergraduate project? Please delete.

-- Uhmm.. (, September 07, 1999.

"What is this, another undergraduate project?"

Didn't they cover basic Sociology/Psychology in your "public" school?

-- getaclue (, September 07, 1999.

I remember very well "how it used to be". I am an anachronism (read dinosaur, being 70 years old my exinction is fairly imminent). Most of you have never tasted real whole milk. It tastes so different most of you wouldn't like it because the cream is there and the preservatives aren't. Store milk no longer sours, it rots in the carton. Hot dogs.....well the less said the better. Lard and butter are good for yu

-- Lumber Jack (, September 07, 1999.

I rather think "Uhmm" is the "troll" in this thread. Given that Clinton is in the pay of the Communist Chinese, and given that Y2k occurs on his watch, I think this is more than relevant - it's vital.

Saveamerica, many of us are aware of the coordinated efforts of an international Marxist movement to destroy our country. Read Gramsci on undermining culture and institutions as a method of preparing nations for socialist revolution. It's in it's final stages now; there is a social taboo against criticizing Communism, even though it's an evangelistic, international totalitarian movement that's killed and tortured more people than the Nazis ever did. The fact that anyone who publically criticizes it is called a "paranoid McCarthyite" should tell you something. The thing about it is that most who are working for this, especially in our Universities, have NO IDEA of the scale of bloodletting that will attend such a revolution. Lenin. Hitler. Stalin. Mao. Hundreds of millions put up against a wall and shot. Tortured. Robbed. "Re-educated." We're next.

For Clinton's international Marxist connections, read the books "Year of the Rat" or "Betrayal." HE'S A CHINESE AGENT. The facts are in, but we're all in denial about this.


-- Liberty (, September 07, 1999.

I remember very well "how it used to be". I am an anachronism (read dinosaur, being 70 years old my exinction is fairly imminent). Most of you have never tasted real whole milk. It tastes so different most of you wouldn't like it because the cream is there and the preservatives aren't. Store milk no longer sours, it rots in the carton. Hot dogs.....well the less said the better. Lard and butter are good for you. Hydrogenated vegetable oil is not, the latest scientific information tells us. Real eggs are good for you but that artificial slop is not. Isn't it odd that those who tell us that what God has provided is bad for us always seem to have a substitute that they are willing to sell. The point of this whole ramble (I bet you didn't think there was one) is that we have substituted the false for the real in all of our dealings.Truth, fidelity and all of that old fashioned stuff is passe. Patriotism is extremism. Hunting is barbaric but poking a hole in the back of an almost born babys' head and vacuuming out its' brains is commendable because it might have grown up to be a criminal! I could go on and on like any other old geezer but I won't. (sigh)

-- Lumber Jack (, September 07, 1999.

Lumber Jack,

Keep posting. We need to hear from our elders, now more than ever. Some of us are listening.


-- Liberty (, September 07, 1999.


I don't think it's a troll post. I recall seeing the exact same passage quoted several years ago, although I can't recall where it was. Perhaps saveamerica could give us a link?

-- Clyde (, September 07, 1999.

For those interested in further currnet information on this subject then go to This is the Citizens Commission on Human Rights web site. They have many documented proven reports and booklets on how our society has been reformed thru the use of "psychological" conditioning. Also they have some VERY interesting statistics showing basic crime rates rising to the degree funding has been provided for psychiatric/psychological groups etc. They're great people and would be happy to send you any information you'd like.

Thanks for the post saveamerica, there are more people than you know who are concerned with and doing something about this.

-- Stacia (, September 07, 1999.

The Church of Scientology backs this site. Need I say anymore?

-- wackos (, September 07, 1999.

Scientologists hate Marxism, therefore everyone who hates Marxism is a Scientologist? Sorry, but that is just stupid.

Why is it that the fast-on-the-draw "debunkers" who claim to fight "irrational conspiracy theories" rarely (if ever) use logic? No, they resort to name-calling, ridicule, guilt-by-association... It's this kind of shrill "debunking" that got me interested in under-reported news (conpiracy theories) in the first place.


-- Liberty (, September 07, 1999.

Lib wrote:

Given that Clinton is in the pay of the Communist Chinese, and given that Y2k occurs on his watch, I think this is more than relevant - it's vital.


Well, I do not ususally get this involved, but... If everything that is real or imagined wrong with the government today is fair game for discussion on this site, then the site is misnamed. If every rumored escapade of the president, his wife, daughter, or cat somehow relate to Y2K, then the pollies have won. There is not enough band width on this forum for it all.

Certainly quotes like the one above will scare away the more rational among us. Isn't trolling somehow defined as 'baiting'? Don't trolls sometimes answer their own questions to stir up the tin foils? Please, re-read the question in this post - you will note, I hope, the rather sophomoric approach to the subject and the inflamatory comments added to what appears to be a paragraph from a reference book.

Having said all of this, I am for the most part happy with our well reasoned responses. I just can not believe this post is anything other than trollish or from an idiot (shades of Milne!).


-- Uhmm.. (, September 07, 1999.

Scientology equals mind control is no better than Marxist mind control is no better the Fascist mind control ect, ect ,ect. Think for yourself man...

-- wackos (, September 07, 1999.


Sorry bud, but you are just hissing hot air. The historic FACT that Clinton and the DNC have taken huge sums from Communist China can be confirmed here:

And in these two books, "Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash" : /002-4719071-6278060 and "Betrayal": -1/002-4719071-6278060

I especially recommend reading the customer reviews for "Betrayal" on the website.

Now, assuming that we have informed ourselves and understand that Clinton is effectively an agent of the Communist Chinese, we have to determine whether that "has anything to do with" Y2k. Well, if our military systems are vulnerable, if our communications systems are unreliable, if American and/or Chinese economies tank, or Chinese/American interests should come into conflict in any part of the world, I assert that it does. Bill's behavior has been influenced by Chinese payola; that's evident from the sober, well-documented and highly-regarded books noted above. If the U.S. is preoccupied with Y2k, will China invade Taiwan? Indonesia? Will nuclear war between India and Pakistan cause China to "intervene?" (take both of them). These are all reasonable questions, to adults who allow themselves to think about such things.

Then there is the quesion of Clinton's Marxist leanings, the interest his shadowy, well-heeled anglo-american mentors have in using some form of pseudo-marxist model as a "front" for their megacorporate, globalist design - much as did Hitler & Co.. It's most evident in Clinton's advocavy of the crypto-marxist internationalist "Third Way." This, like most forms of elite corruption, is something most people would prefer not to know about - and the mainstream press obliges them.

You can be snotty about the style of the original poster, but I'm not here to evaluate others' style, much shout them down for lack of it. The poster's message has substance and merit that others, specialized in purely destructive efforts, tend to lack.

Try educating yourself. Clinton's unprecedented corruption is well-documented, though under-reported (for reasons that will be obvious once you begin an honest investigation). It's out in plain sight, and unless someone pushes the "history eraser button," it will continue to become increasingly obvious to all.


-- Liberty (, September 08, 1999.

OK DS, I promise never never never to feed the trolls again.


-- Uhmm.. (, September 08, 1999.


I am afraid I am not as well organized as you are, and can not use sites. However, not one single shred of substantiated evidence, not one single trumpted up charge, sly innuendo, or outright lie about the President have ever led to a legal problem for he or his family. Your motto must be 'The absence of any provable evidence is a sure sign the conspiracy has been successful'.

Your rant reminds me of the video from a famous telepreacher regarding the Vince Foster suicide. The tape seemed to deliver the goods, but the best legal minds and investigators in the country concluded that Mr. Foster's death was a suicide and the President and his family were innocent of wrong-doing. Even Ken Star said the President was innocent. But there are still wackos out there ready to site the tape and Mr. Foster's death as evidence of a government gone rogue.

BTW, I have noticed lately that the nutters have begun to cast dung on Star himself. They say the Whitewater investigation was bungled. They do not want to reopen the case, but they want to sully the presendent's name with half truths and more unprovable claims. They claim Ken Star was incompetent. There was evidience he could not find or was too stupid to understand and use. All this from the defeated Rebublican guy from NY and his sick henchmen.

Lib, you and they are pathetic. The fact that you seem to have a certain following amongst the real people just depresses me no end. It is days like this that I see Milne's point about society. It is rants like your's that drive well meaning and concerned people from this News Group. I just wish DS, Chuck, and the other ops would wake up to this fact.


-- Uhhmm... (, September 09, 1999.

i see alot of right wing extremists on this site and others trying to compare hitler with communism. why is that? hitler was a right-wing fascist and hated communism. US corporations supported hilter and germany in his efforts to defeat communists. now we have some modern day extremist trying to rewrite history or what? you are so f*cking stupid it hurts me. i would be laughing at you but your minds are so f*cking warped this way it make you dangerous to most. where did liberty get his history lesson from JOHNNIE BIRCH?

-- wackos (, September 09, 1999.


"...not one single shred of substantiated evidence, not one single trumpted up charge, sly innuendo, or outright lie about the President have ever led to a legal problem for he or his family"

I'm not sure if this counts but wasn't he recently found guilty of perjury and ordered to pay $90,000?

-- Ready & Waiting (not@home.com1), September 09, 1999.


Nah, he was fined for contempt, not perjury. Did he lie? Yep. Is he a NWO Chinese communist conspirator who killed Vince Foster, raped five women, swindled widows and children in the whitewater escapade, yada ydad yada? Get over it. None of this trash has been proven by Ken Star and the best legal minds in this country. It did not happen. It exists only in your sick mind. Those who propound this tripe are likely paid publicity agents or just weak minded dupes of the obscenely reactionary tire biters.

You drive good spirited people from this forum with your continued get-Clinton-at-any-cost rants. But, this is just one of your goals, isn't it?

Let's make it 106 posts tomorrow, eh? Maybe 126 the next? Help us DS, Help us Chuck... we are drowning in our own vomit.


-- Uhmm.. (, September 09, 1999.

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