More on doomers and IT Shops : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I spoke with my associate again today regarding the practises of larger US IT contract shops. For those unfamiliar with the thread A disturbing trend among employers, please take a moment to read what I recently discovered...

It seems interviewers have been instructed to steer the conversation towards Y2K in idle pre- or post-interview discussion - it has even been suggested that the topic (if not brought up by the prospective hire), be broached during a break away from the interview room, or in the hall afterwards, or in a private email; so as not to arouse suspicion.

Because of threats implied and, in some cases already, implemented; IT contractors have been asked by their clients to determine a person's views regarding Y2K. If a prospective contractor ascribes to the doomer meme, they are categorically denied employment at larger (and consequently, more lucrative) corporations.

They have been instructed not to discuss the matter, as it could be grounds for litigation (in the US anyway).


I was asked in our earlier conversation if I had access to the alleged story of cannabalism by doomers performed on those they refer to as "polly's." Earlier, not wishing to add to a dismal situation with which I disagree, I said I would look but was not sure (while having a copy of it ready to post on 000103). After reading the response to my first posting, however, I was obliged to attach it to an email and forward it to her (along with a link to this site); asking her to not reveal her source.

Andy Ray

-- Andy Ray (, September 06, 1999


I'm currently employed as an IT'er and yeah...come to think of it, They did ask me about it, and I was quiet about my TRUE feelings. Now that I'm here...Too late...DOOM N" GLOOM!!!LOLOLOL can't fire me for an opinion!!!

-- Billy-Boy (, September 06, 1999.

Troll alert!

-- Jerry B (, September 06, 1999.

Andy Ray, honestly, why do you sit around and make up this crap? Do you think anyone takes you seriously? What is the point? Or are you just mentally disturbed, in which case I guess it really does not matter, does it?

-- King of Spain (, September 06, 1999.

Andy Ray- you are LOONEY TUNES.

-- ( friend), September 06, 1999.

AAAACCKK! I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE! Damn your eyes, Andy Ray, you fiendishly clever buzzard!! You've cracked me! I admit it! I admit it! I am a programmer in a LARGE (we're talking HUGE--you would recognize the name if I told you...) IT shop. All day long I read this forum, plant Y2K bugs in my code, and swap roasted Polly recipes with an underground network of cannibal programmers. Now, because of your superior intellect and investigative GENIUS, you have EXPOSED THE TRUTH!! You sent the link??? I fear for my job!! I tremble!!

-- Hanibal Lector (Pollys@good.eats), September 06, 1999.

Oh how I miss you Andy Ray! Please come visit on Sunday, all the boys want to meet you.

-- Porky (Porky@in.cellblockD), September 06, 1999.

I know we'll be hiring at least one more programmer this year, maybe two. I'm going to mention this to my boss, a GI by the way. I think EVERY programmer should be aware of Y2K. I think it shows that they have their EYES OPEN. An absolute positive, in my book.

Tick... Tock... <:00=

-- Sysman (, September 06, 1999.

Andy Ray, I used to think you were a poor pathetic jerk who simply liked to be provocative. I don't know why you are doing all this trash talk now. Are you crazy?

-- Mara Wayne (, September 06, 1999.

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