the birth of digital camera : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I want to know when and how digital camera appears in the world?How is it development?I means the history of camera.

-- arnut macharong (, September 06, 1999



35mm refers to film cameras only. I assume you mean consumer-type digicams that are being sold today. In 1986, Sony produced the worlds first digital still camera they called the Mavica (Magnetic Video Camera). As the name suggests, it was nothing more than videocam technology adapted to provide still photos. Its image size was 640 x 480 and it sold for an astonishing $12,000. Weve come a long way since then with megapixel cameras selling for less than $500.


-- Rodger Carter (, September 07, 1999.

According to Beyond Photography: the digital darkroom, Gerald J Holzmann, 1988, the Mavica was first demonstrated at Photokina in 1980, but wasn't marketed until October 1987. Canon was the first to market, with the RC-701 in May 1986. These were still video systems. The book also mentions the Bartlane cable picture transmission system in the early 1920s, and image processing from 1960s lunar probes.

-- Alan Gibson (, September 08, 1999.

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