The three levels of the y2k end game : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

In my accessment of y2k I feel there are three levels ot the y2k end game that is now playing out.Level 1 the pollys and those who are cash fat are not only ignoring the technical experts accessment of what will happen they are arogantly demoralizing anybody who voices a view that things will be anything less than the bull economy that has prospered them so greatly. Character assination and religious outcasting to those who loving try to warn others that a serious Crisis is about to unfold over the next few months.

Level 2 is the setup of a fasist type response by Third way world govts to remain in power after the colapse. Like watching a new generation pre world war senario beening set up for our generation to go thru. All the unpleasant elements are coming together. Nuclear esponage, 20th generation cyber warfare already intensifing, the y2k sucess or failure being keep as secret as the manhattan project.And massive secret urban military/police training of foriegn swat teams to crush the anticipated civil unrested they feel is unavoidable. (dont you think the big brains of the big g10 havent figured out that we all started really late to fix a 10 year + software reengineering project.) Who will play ball and who wont will be anybodies guess. We know that God is in control, but we dont know if next year will resemble anything that we are currently use to or if the world will be throw into the literal dark ages for the next few years. On Jan 1 if the lights and telephones go down world wide the bull party is over, And our families will know for sure that there lives are indanger. Than it will be a mighty task to get them to have a cool head.

Level 3 is the wild card in the deck early outbreak of hostilities,bank and stock market panic runs,or nbc terrorism shuting down the country early before the y2k. Or a well concealed y2k coverup until the first monday after Christmas than the hammer drops. You cant say that no-one knows what will happen next year. They do, all those who work on the big systems and know that the time is over. Fix, they know it's not. They knew it would not be fixable in time when they set up special K's office in 1998. Instead of mobilizing a nation to ready it self for a period of certain disruptions, they took the crust of fat cat cash and spinned it big money's way so the finacial fleasing that was about to occur in the 2k would almost assuredly cause the kick over of the table so that new power players will emerge on the scene. Pray for our love ones to handle the transistion with flexability and resiliance.

-- y2k aware mike (y2k aware mike @ conservation .com), September 06, 1999


Good post Mike - I believe the latest Harry Schulz newsletter from switzelrland also very much backs up what you said...

-- Andy (, September 06, 1999.

Someone once wrote (my memory is such that I can only paraphrase) that awesome as the power of nature surely is, it is less awesome than the monumental power of human stupidity.

A lot of conspiracy theorizing is based on the argument (quite reasonable-sounding, actually) that since nobody could have been so stupid to have done what was done, evil intentions must be the explanation.

Well, maybe, but never underestimate human stupidity.

-- Peter Errington (, September 06, 1999.

"Well, maybe, but never underestimate human stupidity...."

You are precisely correct Peter as that is the way the elite want humanity - and they've succeeded pretty well worlwide - it starts from birth, the brainwashing that kids go through via the "education" system, the apalling influence of teevee and more lately violent video games, the breakup of the family, in the USA now you need two hard working parents to make a go of things, taxes, taxes, taxes, the colledge "education" rip-off - I could go on but the fact is the we are just "useless eaters" to them and they have plans for us...

do yourself a favour and read the last three David Icke books for an eye-opening tour de force...

-- Andy (, September 06, 1999.

In this following link substitute NWO for Devil... it goes some way to explaining their current modus operandi...

-- Andy (, September 06, 1999.

****Well, maybe, but never underestimate human stupidity.*****

Yes, I get real tired of hearing that "they" have plans for us. In general the vast majority of politicians, bureaucrats and kleptocrats are just plain incompetent.

That does not mean that they won't do vicious and evil things to stay in power or get money.

There are two things that are everywhere in the universe..... hydrogen and stupidity.

-- LM (, September 06, 1999.

Never underestimate the power/danger of stupid people in large groups.

Stupid is Forever-Ignorance can be fixed.

-- Sam (, September 06, 1999.

I'm starting to believe even "the good guys" ie. Gary North, Ed Yourdon, Mike Adams, etc. etc. have been planning on implementing Y2K for years.

I know it sounds wacky, nutty, even kooky, but think about it. Who would ever suspect Gary and Hillary working side by side for the same goal but with different motives.

It only makes sense.

-- Ratboy (in@the.woods), September 06, 1999.

Hey guys you've just proved my theory correct...

-- Andy (, September 06, 1999.

A good post, but once again references to middle eastern monotheistic cults ... open the box and climb out, sooner is better than later.

-- Dan G (, September 06, 1999.

How anyone can take seriously as an author, someone who makes (at least) 27 spelling mistakes in three paragraphs, is testament to the literacy and intelligence of the group.

-- Doomer (, September 06, 1999.

Sorry Mike, you've gone a little too X-Files for me with this posting. On one level, you laughingly blame the pollys for the current situation we find ouselves in. From my experience, not all pollys are 'cash-fat' and certainly, your alluding to the religious angle in all of this is misguided, at best.

Your second level conjures up thoughts of a secret military society among us, planning our future round up and subsequent annihalation. While there is no revelation here in what you say about facist governments, you delve into the lurid world of rumor and conspiracy theories when you touch upon the ideas of international swat teams, international secret police and refugee/detention camps. Perhaps this is all due to the NRA-supporters running amok as it seems the horror stories we hear these days go hand in hand with the government's attempts to ban or restrict guns (which I am against, BTW). Fear is a powerful motivator when lobbying the government and rallying the people are the issues at hand.

Lastly, your third level once again touches upon the tried and true topics of economic collapse, bank runs, y2k cover-ups and the like. Here's a question for you, Mike: do you understand what such a cover-up would entail? Can you comprehend how many millions of people would have to be in on the scandal? If Monicagate proved anything, it illustrated that few people can keep a secret...even in small circles. Just how would this 'secret' or cover-up be kept viable?

I remember Scary Gary saying a couple of years ago that programmers would head for the hills when they realized that all was lost. And you know, I think that would've been the case by now....that is, if all were lost. But like most of the scary one's prognostications, this is one that has not panned out. Eco collapse? The jury is out. Bank runs? Amazing that you haven't seen them by now. Point is, those who wished to prepare ARE prepared and those who don't....probably won't at all. They have bigger fish to fry, like who's buying the beer or when ER is coming on.

BTW, I pray daily, as well. Most of the time, it entails the wish to see through the BS, agendas and conspiracy theories out and about.


-- Bad Company (, September 06, 1999.

I actually SAW Gary North and Hillary in an embrace at Jack-In-The-Box one time!

-- Porky (Porky@in.cellblockD), September 06, 1999.

Gary and Hillary go WAY back. Their real mission is to defend earth against the reptile people such as the Bush family and the Queen of England. Any questions?

-- Mara Wayne (, September 06, 1999.

Mike, Thank you for your post.It shows you really care and are willing to put yourself out there for what you believe.


Mike didn't post to get his papers graded.

-- maggie (, September 06, 1999.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, but it was late at night when i wrote this. As for our local police training foreign nationals in swat tactics that is a fact. As for bank runs not yet, but the spin is hot and heavy on preventing John Q public from taking out large sums of cash money out of finaical insititutions. Banks will report activities that exceed 5k cash transactions to fed agencies to be monitored closly and set up for possible harrasment if they feel y2k cash hoading is occuring. Outrageous considering the genuine threat y2k poses to the fractional reserve banking system. If they dont keep enough paper currency on hand to satisfy electronic deposits who's fault is that. In 1929 it was a different situation our currency was at least partially backed by real gold and silver, It's all fiat currency now, so not allowing a depositor to access all his or her hard earned money is massive fraud perpetrated by the govt and it's central bankers. They knew y2k was coming for 30 years, they should have stared the printing presses back then. They were handed a tremendous gift this prosperous country and economy all they had to do to keep it going was act responsibly and they blew it. I hope the next time our future generations get it going so well they will learn from the mistakes of the y2k crisis and not repeat them.

-- y2k aware mike (y2k aware mike @ conservation . com), September 06, 1999.

Two of the worst spellers I have known were extremely attorney and a physician. Spelling is genetic. You can improve on it, but some people aren't motivated, for whatever reasons. I think using a spell checker helps credibility 'some', but certainly poor spelling does not invalidate truth.

-- Mumsie (, September 06, 1999.


You got it. All except hiding failures after Y2K. If they get fixed in the first 3 months, they may be hidden forever, otherwise it will start to become apparent who didn't make it.


-- ng (, September 07, 1999.

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