Have anyone heard Vicdeo-Extra format?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


Have you heard Video-Extra format? I discover this format recently from the market. But I do not know how the vendor create it. This format has a benifits that it can add additional files into the VCD disc, similar that CD-extra and Mix-mode CD.

Please share with all if you happened to know this format. Thanks!

-- Phil Huang (philhuang@acer.com.tw), September 06, 1999



I finally find the answer myself. WINONCD 3.5 could support this format. You could put non-related to VCD files into the first track and mpeg file into the second track. In this way, the VCD is not just a pure VCD for watching. You could combine some application into the VCD and can be exected in CD/DVD-ROM of a PC. This is especially useful for training purpose.

Thanks anyway!

-- Phil Huang (philhuang@acer.com.tw), September 07, 1999.

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