VCD in Australia? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've only just found this site and this question has probably surfaced hundreds of times, but where can I purchase VCD movies in Australia?

-- Larrissa Collier (, September 05, 1999


I haven't been to Australia, but if the pattern in other parts of the world (Europe and North America) I've seen will be repeated there, then VCDs will be found in most Chinatowns of big cities. The Chinese wholeheartedly embraced VCD just as the rest of the world (mostly) are embarking on DVD and have done everything to squeeze what they can out of the limitations of the format, including more than 100 (!) brands/models of VCD players in China, a lot of which are below US$100, and fostering the SuperVCD (a variable bit-rate MPEG-2 variation of VCD).

-- EMartinez (, September 06, 1999.

For original movies:

Wide selection of movies but some titles are edited: Good selection and the films are uncut but have chinese subtitles: (under import movies) (under VCD movies, Western Movies)

-- The Lone Ranger (, September 06, 1999.


I think you can have a look at the Video CD FAQ maintained by Russil Wong. He indeed introduces some places to buy VCDs in Australia referred by Mark Morrison who live near Melbourne. (He also have his own web page, just click when you read the information on the VCD FAQ.)

The Video CD FAQ web site:

-- hsingchi (, September 10, 1999.

Cut and paste this address into your browser - it is a directory of Malaysian suppliers of LEGAL VCD's cost around US$9.99. Believe me there are lots offering pirate ones - but they are not even worth the cost of the materials usually.

Anyway these suppliers ship to Australia and are rated according to the service they provide. I have used Cool and Gallery and had a very fast response - delivery within a couple of days.

Let me know how you get on!

-- Waynne (, January 13, 2001.

like every one else i have some vcd but want more , and can anybody help me to acquire more gazza

-- gazza[west of brisbane qld aussie] (, June 11, 2001.

Dear Larrissa & Gazza... If you want to buy it vcd i know the place you can buy but in sydney . Email me ok :)

-- icha (, April 04, 2003.

Hi, I am from australia and i want to buy vcd movies that are still at the theatres. Email me with a list and prices please.

-- M.Cameron (, January 18, 2004.

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