Duane Michaels

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread


I have attended a 3-room exhibition of Duane Michaels at the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa. I did a search on the photographer and came up with little relevant info. Duane Michaels writes commentary on his photograrhs below the image. One that I liked so much, I copied it down. "What makes art art is not extravagant acclaim, nor good or bad taste, or the artists ambitions. Rather it is the degree to which we are touched which defines it as such.

If nothing is revealed or felt, then it is not art. As a quantum, it is the viewers participation that affects what the experience will be."

Duane Michaels

-- John R. Fowler (info@cpci.nstn.ca), September 05, 1999


The feeling of every person who create or loves art

-- Juan Cralos Reynoso Gamboa (checolin1@yahoo.com), July 26, 2001.

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