Hey - some good news! But not for the banks :(

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Y2K really annoys the insiders, the establishment, the Tri Lats-- because it's the only thing they can't control, & it threatens to cripple or destroy all their controls. They firmly control the mega-banks, global money system, mega-media, all major political parties (on both sides in every nation), & the multi-nationals. But Y2K snuck up on them, & they're mad & scared. They're desperately spending billions to try to "fix" it but they know it can't be totally fixed, perhaps not ever. It will also be a major setback for Big Brother, in all its aspects, from tax collection to bank rule to centralized bureaucracy & monitoring. As a result, the average person will get a lot of unexpected benefits from Y2K. Some are hoping for a worst-case scenario. "However painful, it's a worthwhile cost to regain individual freedom" they say, in essence. Freedom has never been free.

If U don't really feel Y2K is going to be a BIG DEAL, & if therefore it annoys or upsets U to read data reports from people who say it probably IS going to be a big deal, then don't bother to read this article. Skip on to the next one. Mostly, people aren't changing their minds, are decided re Y2K. If U are a new subscriber, U should read this so U see what we consider the critical/updated facts. Unless U get heavy/daily Y2K updated hard data (as we do) then it would be puzzling how U can decide either way--without all the new daily facts. But most people are deciding emotionally, not objectively, not factually. That's their option, even if subconscious. So, read on or not, as U choose.

For those few who are still reading (:-), here's the latest: Many are comforted to hear that govt & biz have Y2K "contingency plans." Instead, that glib phrase should scare them. Think about it! If all govt depts, banks, biz, military, airports, hospitals who claim they are Y2K- compliant (as most now claim) were really bug-resistant, why would they need vast contingency plans? "Contingency" isn't just a throwaway word; it means something, ie, what we'll do if our individual company/bureau/system breaks down.

They're spending massive money on contingency plans, which means they've little confidence in their claims they're fully Y2K-compliant. Some have thrown in the towel, admit they can't get compliant in time, & will rely mainly on contingency plans. At least they're honest. That can't be said for the blowhard bluffers who are hoping to con people they're foolproof. Fools, yes. Foolproof: unlikely. Only a minority submit to audits of their repair/test/compliance claims.

Many insiders admit they're far behind schedule & will be on a "fix-on-fault" basis in 2000, ie they'll fix/repair embedded chip/computer/system breakdowns if/as they occur. That means after trouble. The catch is: how do they get back up if the whole system is down? Bottom line: the world is one big web of contingency plans & fix-on-fault. Nobody is 100% safe/compliant, because it's impossible to attain. And that is fact, spoken by the world's leading engineering group. US Senate Y2K Report: "Y2K is not going to be just another 'bump in the road.' No, it's going to be one of the most serious & potentially devastating events the US has ever encountered." Govts tend to soft-pedal bad news, so that statement should be a wake-up call to many. Turn up your hearing aid!

The BIS (Bank for Int'l Settlements, Basel, Switzerland) is the central bank for all other central banks. Their Y2K view is not cheerful. In a fat report they say "some problems will be missed; new problems will be inadvertently introduced via the remediation process; even the best test programs may not detect all potential errors; uncertainty will remain up to & after Jan 1. In other words, it is inevitable there will be Y2K disruption, athough it's not possible to predict how serious or widespread this disruption will be."

So there U have it. Central banks will go into 2000 not knowing if these systems are fixed. They know most are not fixed, worldwide. Compare BIS language to your local bank's PR rubbish. The BIS report goes on in great detail. If U read it all U lose any shred of optimism. The general threat is a breakdown of the inter-bank payments system. And once down, how to get it back up? BIS says: Y2K is "unlike any other disruption problem where identical backup sites can be activated. But any uncorrected Y2K problem is likely to affect both sites so the backup would not be a contingency."

It gets worse. BIS, who says what neither private banks nor govt banks dare to say, reveals: "The inability of a major payment & settlement system to function smoothly, or have procedures for isolating problems, will intensify uncertainty/concern. In the extreme case, this could have repercussions throughout the global & domestic systems." Conclusion: the world economy is at acute risk. This is not some "doom/gloom" offbeat writer's view; it's the bluest of the blue chip banks. If your hair hasn't turned grey so far, read the following:

The BIS advises banks to get the home phone numbers of regulators & govt officials so they can be contacted at night or on weekends to discuss the prudence of "closing markets & declaring an emergency financial bank holiday." This is scarier than any Y2K newsletter writer (except Gary North) has dared to say. And it's the real thing! U see, if banks go down, there can be no stock/bond/property mkt, or any other mkt, except black mkts of course, using cash. And all this is separate from equal risks from no power, oil, water, & no phones/fax/e-mail. U don't like this? Does that mean it can't happen? Or can it happen even if U don't like it? Try to separate wish from reality. Author Dr.Edward Yardeni, chief economist/global investmnt strategist at Deutsche Banc-Alex Brown has come back from Y2K retirement & says: "Y2K summary: Most have eyes wide shut....My prediction for a global recession in 2000, at 70% odds remains...Stock mkt down 10-30% (that's 1-3000 DJIA pts). Recession major causes: breakdown in just-in-time manufacturing system, & in global oil industry. Y2K could cause another energy crisis." (I'm virtually sure of it--HS)

EY notes Y2K press coverage is childish, reports the good news press releases, make no comment, ask no questions. "Some frame Y2K as an all-or-nothing story. Either planes fall out of sky or nothing happens. None consider in between. Anyone who talks in between is lumped into the doomsday category & dismissed as far-fetched..Public is led to believe the casual assurances of the few means everyone will be ready. EY says: "Y2K will turn out to be the greatest story never told--- properly." Reporters squeeze answers out of politicians thought to be in hanky-panky, but never ask ONE question about any Y2K report by anyone in banks/govt/biz.

Jacquelyn Williams-Bridgers, US Inspector General,testified in Senate: Half of 161 nations assessed are reported at medium-to high-risk re Y2K failures in telecommunications, energy &/or transport. Her strong conclusion: "The global community is likely to experience varying degrees of Y2K-related failures in every sector, in every region, & at every economic level. The risk of disruption will likely extend to int'l trade, where a breakdown in any part of the global supply chain would have a serious impact on the US & world economies." Now, tell me dear readers, WHY doesn't TV & the press tell U this? My answer: the banks won't let them. Maybe U have a different answer?

As I reported before, the US State Dept will issue Y2K travel advice in Sept. 3 cheers to USSD for integrity in this regard. But it will shock a lot of people. The penny will finally drop. US govt Y2K topdog Koskinen says the US is considering evacuating US citizens from nations with widespread Y2K failures. Each ambassador will make that decision. More than a penny is dropping now. More like a silver dollar. I've only scratched the surface of all there is to report. What bothers me most is the nuclear power plant risks, a global risk, at least in the northern hemisphere. But I can't cover it all. And most people don't even want to hear it.

I'm optimistic that Y2K will paralyze most tax collecting computer systems to such an extent that govts will quickly switch from the income tax to a sales tax (the only fair system), which isn't computer complex & will allow govt to function, ie, bring in money, their 1st concern, 1 of the Holy Trinity of govts (the other 2: power & control).

Every credible Y2K writer accuses govts/banks/biz of lying about the problem & their readiness. But it is left to humourist Art Buchwald to wrap it up in a recent column that concluded: "Fibbing is what Y2K is all about." Many a sober truth is spoken in jest. If U don't take my Y2K advice, take advice from cartoon character Dennis the Menace, who recently told his mother: "We should be stocking up on cookies for Y2K." Make mine ginger snaps! :-)

Harry Schultz http://www.ihsl.com hsl.mentor@skynet.be Tel +32 (for Belgium) 16 533 684 -- Fax +32 16 535 777 Postal address: HSL, PO Box 622, CH-1001 Lausanne, Switzerland

7 September 1999

-- andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), September 05, 1999


Andy -

"WHY doesn't TV & the press tell U this? My answer: the banks won't let them. "

Case in point: CNBC's pollyana powder-puff reports on Y2K by Amanda Grove. CNBC is owned by General Electric. GE Credit is one of the largest financial powerhouses on earth. Do you think that they want any bad news about Y2K to reach their clients?

Curiously, while CNBC's Y2K Updates have dealt (superficially) with everything from banking to utilities, there has never been one report on how GE itself is doing.

-- Y2K Pioneer (Pioneer@aol.com), September 05, 1999.

I think Harry's nailed it...

-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), September 05, 1999.

"As a result, the average person will get a lot of unexpected benefits from Y2K. Some are hoping for a worst-case scenario. 'However painful, it's a worthwhile cost to regain individual freedom' they say, in essence. Freedom has never been free."

Yeah, he really nailed it, Andy. The unexpected benefit: millions dead! Right.

-- Hiway (Hiway441@aol.com), September 05, 1999.

Andy, Y2k Pioneer, Hiway,

You are correct -- HS nailed it. But there is only one big problem as the late Winston Churchill once stated:

"Most people sometime in their lives, stumble across the truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened."

-- cb (_@_._), September 05, 1999.

Today is September 5th. Where is the travel advice??? If it is so shocking, where is it? Lynn

(As I reported before, the US State Dept will issue Y2K travel advice in Sept. 3 cheers to USSD for integrity in this regard. But it will shock a lot of people. The penny will finally drop. US govt Y2K topdog Koskinen says the US is considering evacuating US citizens from nations with widespread Y2K failures. )

-- Lynn Ratcliffe (mcgrew@ntr.net), September 05, 1999.

CB--- That is a good quote, and would seem to define our resident Pollys to a "T".

Lynn-- What's with you? I guess you don't think the State Dept actually is planning to get their people out, huh? Cause that would mean.....oh horrors....that they think bad things are gonna happen. Nah, couldn't be, little polly, couldn't be, right?

-- Gordon (gpconnolly@aol.com), September 05, 1999.

What's with me? Probably not what you think....LOL.

I am a grandmother with a granddaughter in one of "those" countries.

Now confess, that wouldn't have been your guess......right? Lynn

-- Lynn Ratcliffe (mcgrew@ntr.net), September 05, 1999.


See this thread:


"U.S. Readies Y2K Report Cards for the World"

-- Linkmeister (link@librarian.edu), September 05, 1999.

The establishment global elite have been at this game for so long they always seem to find a way to take what initially might appear to be a setback and use it to advance their agenda. When they put all of their sinister heads together they come up with ways to gain more control over our lives and eventually eliminate those who produce resistance.

The one thing that Y2K will hopefully do is make their plans more obvious and although most will continue to go along with it we may get a significant awakening of resistance that will be too large to keep down. Thus far they have been able to increase their control through the corporate, government, and banking systems in a manner which has been largely indiscernible to the average John Q. Public, or dismissed as paranoid conspiracy theories.

Any failure to continue to advance their plan through these methods means they will simply have to resort to more extreme military oppression, making their true intentions more obvious. Some of the things they can and will do if pressed include exploiting oil shortages to maximize their profits, "losing" the electronic money of investors (which in reality doesn't exist to anyone except the investor) through stock market crashes and bankruptcies, and of course martial law. They engineered the stock market crash of 1929, and this time it will be even more successful from their standpoint because they will hold a much larger portion of society in debt, giving them even more control.

And of course, it works both ways for any of the "benefits" that Harry speaks of. If it becomes difficult for them to collect taxes, they can claim that it is not possible for them to continue to pay out social security, unemployment, welfare, medicare, and tax refunds to those who normally collect these.

Ultimately, I'm afraid they will continue to have the upper hand, and it could become a much more powerful hand very quickly. It would seem that life will continue to imitate art as seen in such classics as "1984", "Brave New World", and "Gattaca". Not a pretty picture.

-- @ (@@@.@), September 05, 1999.

@@@@@, very much agree...

"Yeah, he really nailed it, Andy. The unexpected benefit: millions dead! Right.

-- Hiway (Hiway441@aol.com), September 05, 1999."

Precisely, one of their goals is a population cull, look at their policies in Africa (AIDS, apartheid), slips of the tongue by the likes of Kissinger, Jacques Cousteau, Prince Phillip... yeah, as the poster said above, they didn't get into these positions of power by accident, it's an inter-generational long-term-planning thing, they adapt and feed off the negative energy and chaos that their manoeverings bring about... check out "The Biggest Secret" by David Icke...

-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), September 05, 1999.

Hiway said: "Yeah, he really nailed it, Andy. The unexpected benefit: millions dead! Right."

Shultz said "Some are hoping for a worst-case scenario. 'However painful, it's a worthwhile cost to regain individual freedom' they say, in essence. Freedom has never been free. "

I've said that about the millions dead. Schultz didn't say that; maybe Shultz is "nicer" than I am. The die-back is the only aspect of the NWO that I agree with. Most people are sheep. They live and breed like sheep (rather more like cats, dogs, and rats). No foresight, no conceptual ability, meddlesome busybodies when a few of their brain neurons do manage to fire. So why shouldn't they die like sheep?

-- A (A@AisA.com), September 05, 1999.

The world population is approaching six billions, if it hasn't reached that already. The oceans, vast as they are, are becoming cesspools bereft of fish. Chemicals necessary to produce big crop yields are polluting fresh water sources. Irrigated land is becoming salinated.

Realistic (IMHO) ranges of steady state "carrying capacity" range from 1 billion to 4 billion. (Of course, some population pollyanas say, hey, we can handle 35 billion or more. Sheesh.)

A die-back to 500 million or 1 billion, and that population maintained for several generations would be required to allow the ecologies to heal (and even then, they won't completely, because many toxins created in the drive for "better living through chemistry") are very long lived.)

Harry tells it like it is, but even he pulled a punch on this one.

-- A (A@AisA.com), September 05, 1999.

I've heard figures that "they" would like 1 billion or so...

-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), September 05, 1999.


Are you really Infomagic?!?!

-- K. Stevens (kstevens@ It's ALL going away in January.com), September 05, 1999.

OK folks, I agree that dieback is in the plans...Who gets to live, and who are the 4 out of five that gets to DIE???

-- K. Stevens (kstevens@ It's ALL going away in January.com), September 05, 1999.

No, I'm not Infomagic. Great minds come to similar conclusions. :-)

Who gets to live? And who dies? Well, to the elite, it doesn't make a lot of difference, especially in all the wog countries (primarily southern hemisphere). As to the rest, I think if you have the courage to look and see, you can figure it out.

-- A (A@AisA.com), September 06, 1999.

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