
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Sonoma County : One Thread

Friends, This is a little off topic, but I think that it is important to know that there is a backdoor to Windows. Roger

(SNIP) ---- Although the effects or the purpose of the alleged back door are far from clear, Cryptonym said that it is possibly there for the use of the National Security Agency, Fernandes said. He has demonstrated how a hacker could use it to quietly crack open Windows security for other purposes.

The back door would also let the NSA silently use any copy of Windows to spy on corporate networks, Fernandes speculated.

The weakness affects Windows 95, 98, NT, and 2000, the expert said. Neither Microsoft nor the NSA was immediately available for comment. ______________

The article is located at


-- Roger (roger@netdex.com), September 03, 1999

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