F.S. Medium Format Leica Enlarger

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I recently stumbled across a v/g to mint minus medium format leica enlarger c/w matched lenses for 35mm and med format. The unit comes with several neg. masks in good to v/g condition. The unit sits on a large (homemade?)baseboard that is in rather poor condition. Bolted onto the baseboard is a Leitz 8x10 inch 4 bladed masking easel in poor condition. Does anyone have any information about this unit? What price should I offer for it...it seems to be a rather wonderful enlarger. Thanks Jim

-- Jim Vanson (primary_colors@hotmail.com), September 02, 1999


Leica offered several enlarger models like what you describe. Please inform us what lenses if features and we can identify the model type, and its value.

-- Eilert Anders (eilert@dav.com), September 02, 1999.

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